Railroad tracks from Woodmansie to Lakehurst


New Member
Dec 24, 2013
interesting to see that this tread has been silent for the past 5 years. Not sure anyone has noticed or not, but new railroad ties have been laid down at the crossing of 539 just north of Pasadena Rd in Whiting. There have been flatbeds dropping more ties there as well. Also at the crossing of Rt 530 at Bowker Memorial field at the old Whitings Station there is a large container(which Im guessing is housing more railroad material). i haven't spoken with anyone about a timeline if/when trains will start rolling again...but the aggressive improvements over the past two weeks is very noticeable.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Thanks for the update.

On Monday I was on the rails between Mt. Misery Pasadena Road and Buckingham Road and the evidence there shows they need quite a bit of work :)




Apr 4, 2011
I noticed today that even more railroad ties have been stockpiled at the Rt. 539 crossing. There are so many bundles stacked they give the appearance of a large building track side. Something is in the works...


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I noticed today that even more railroad ties have been stockpiled at the Rt. 539 crossing. There are so many bundles stacked they give the appearance of a large building track side. Something is in the works...

The thread in the link in post 21 by Buck was moved to a new, dedicated one on that site;


One comment stated the NJSL had 1.6 million grant to use or lose and that is the reason for the work. Another that it is prep for Clayton and a new NY tunnel, which has been talked about before here.

This comment from 6/14, another saying
Out at Woodmansie, nothing has changed since last reported. It does not appear that Clayton has initiated any work to get the track onto his property yet. Savoy Blvd was closed just prior to reaching RT 72 due to the Forest Fire.

I have a theory - Is it possible that the track from Lakehurst to Woodmansie will be improved (to what degree?) to allow a supply of rail and ballast to be delivered to Woodmansie to support the siding & small yard that Clayton will need? The Southern Secondary would only need to replace the couple of pieces of rail it had removed in Lakewood and under Rt 70 to bring the load in. The run between Lakewood and Lakehurst has been unused for approx. 3 years? I am sure they will inspect the general rail and maybe decide they might need a few ties to get a supply train in. Once it looks impending, I am sure they will improve the Secondary to necessary standards to handle the sand cars once the decision is made to actually ship.

If all this in prep for Clayton to position themselves for this next tunnel construction to NYC, I would think it would be quite a financial gamble. They would have to win some kind of sand supply contract before they would have any significant work in that direction.
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New Member
Dec 24, 2013
Those ties have been going in for the past two months.....they were offloading two trucks a day for a couple weeks straight.