What's your top 5?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Nice, nice topic Tom.

Sorry I missed it, I have been away on business. My places are all wilderness, no ghost towns. I decided to look through my photos to solidify my selections, and I got so wrapped up in looking at all the places I really love, that I forgot what I was doing.

One thing became clear to me as I looked at the photos, and that is that sunshine in the pines is precious, golden, and a strong factor in bringing the best out of the pines. I don't mean to sound corny or romantic (or maybe I do), but sunshine is the most important feature of the pines to me, and the one thing that brings it all together. The way it brings out the green of the pine needles, the pastels of the arethusa orchids, and even the white of the turkey beard lily into sharp clarity. A sharp clarity yes, but softened by the sun. That sun makes these real biological features of the pines both fresh and clean. And then the water comes next (both amber and clear). Water that lifts your spirits when you see it rippling along a small, strong pathway deep in some cedar swamp, so pure you can't believe you are in a state derided by the rest of the country. After that its the white, clean, pure sand crystals, shining along the pathways and byways, and even deep, deep in the woods where no one else ever goes.

Shucks, I'm getting misty eyed now. I believe I truly love the pines more than anyone in NJ. I really do feel that way. There is something in me that ties me to them very deeply, in a pure, elemental way. The culture and history of ghostowns and the people of past and present is just a small piece of it all.

So what are my 5 best? I cannot choose, I just cannot seem to put one place above the other with good conscience. If you were to tie me to a tree and burn me with matches until I fessed up, I'd tell you portions of the upper reaches of Cedar Creek, the Pine Plains, the Oswego River, and anywhere else the sun shines on soft summer days, bringing out the best of the pines.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
This post does show that there are some really varied interests in the visitors to the pines. Something for everyone!



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Actually Steve and Guy, I was surprised to see you guys zero in on the natural surroundings. When I first knew you, I thought you both were into the man-made things only. I'm glad to see I'm not alone.......


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BobM said:
Actually Steve and Guy, I was surprised to see you guys zero in on the natural surroundings. When I first knew you, I thought you both were into the man-made things only. I'm glad to see I'm not alone.......

Looks are deceiving Bob. I always explored in the woods, but I was too paranoid years ago to travel far from my vehicle because I always felt someone would fool with it. Something I now am over with.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
TeeGate said:
Looks are deceiving Bob. I always explored in the woods, but I was too paranoid years ago to travel far from my vehicle because I always felt someone would fool with it. Something I now am over with.

Maybe I have emboldened you since I always leave my Jeep unlocked?

BobM the Hippie said:
There is something in me that ties me to them very deeply, in a pure, elemental way.

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!

Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation
Aquarius! Aquarius!

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars

This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius
Aquarius! Aquarius!

:) :) :) :)

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
I like nature, however my biggest interest is seeing how nature reclaims what man has made. I have always loved ruins - from exploring abandoned houses as a teenager, to climbing the ruins on Sandy Hook as a late teen-early 20s person, to exploring the pines as a twenty-something.

I think I enjoy nature as a whole, but looking at each individual plant doesn't interest me much. I think the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
BobM said:
I think man is winning over now.

Confuscious say; America good place to Put Chinese Restuarant.

I would - for the most part - disagree.

Most of the pines will never be developed. More and more land every day is being set aside for conservation.

Sure there are areas of the Pines that can be developed. Out in Pasadena you need 20 acres for a house. I can stand loosing an acre or two for a house if the other 19 remain relatively undeveloped.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Well, I'm new to the forum but have been running amuck in the barrens for some time now so...

1)The Friendship bogs; this area is just overflowing with life. Everytime I go there I am almost overwhelmed by how much activity is around me, like a sensory overload.
2)The Great Swamp; for its' remoteness.
3)Spring Hill/the Plains; it's like another world. I once brought a friend back there and he said "are you sure we're still in NJ".
4)Old Halfway and Union Clay works; the ruins at old halfway always give me the creeps, but in a good way. The clay pits can be either beautiful or mysterious depending on weather and water levels.
5)Mt. Misery woods; deceptively large, harsh, abused, and filled with totally forgotton ruins.

It is tough to limit to five. Honerable mention to the forked river mountains. There are alot of places (abandoned bogs, cedar swamps) that I frequent, but have no established names. At least to my knowlege.



Jun 16, 2003
Boston, MA
Not to go off topic, but I had a question about the Friendship Bogs. I've been to Friendship many times, mostly at night during clear nights because it's a great spot to stargaze. Just last Saturday, I took a road from Batsto past Hawkins Bridge and ended up at Friendship. I've never come in that way, usually I just come in from Caranza, sometimes Speedwell.

My question is: Where is the general location of the Friendship bogs? Coming from Caranza, is it past Friendship going straight, are they before the bridge, or are they on the road to Speedwell?

I'd like to check them out over the holiday where I get more than 2 days off from prison, I mean work.



New Member
Feb 21, 2005
Wall NJ
jokerman said:
Here are mine:

1) Howell Works
2)Hanover Furnace
3)Gloucester Furnace

I think I get the most out of the areas that are the most elusive or isolated...have the least left. Allaire is simply a dreamscape that almost allows you to experience what a furnace town must have been like. I live nearby and go there often. I know a lot about the area.

I read that they are planning to restart a very old mill in Medford. It operated until the 1960's, or something like that. What a time to be alive, to see those millwheels turning! Sure beats the gross industry of today.

Is the Howell Works over at Allaire really the pines?

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
crazyoz said:
Is the Howell Works over at Allaire really the pines?

The original poster asked what our top five favorite places are. Not solely just the Pine Barrens.

And Allaire is near enough to be the Pine Barrens anyway. They dug bog iron nearby, so the soil had to have had very similar properties.


Apr 24, 2004
barnegat. nj
hi scout,
where did you get poison ivy this time of year..............i admit its tough to identify it now,cuz it has no leaves.........in doubt,dont pick up any vines or sticks..........i used to get it terribly as a kid.........today you can get injections for it.....if you get it bad in the summer, go into the surf each day.......it helps cure it,and lordy,does it feel good..........my favorite places are the streams............get yourself a kayak......a short one will do fine...and follow them.........some tremendous scenery that few hikers ever see........press on young fella, strom, barnegat