Great News If You're A Pine Barrens Hiker


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
When it's late July in the pines and 20 deer flies are circling my head, gnats are diving into my eyes, sweat is rolling down my cheeks and I'm avoiding stepping on weeds like they're land mines because I know any one of them could be housing a hundred chiggers hoping to dine on me for lunch, I dream about a day like today.

I set out about 8am to do a round trip hike on the Batona Trail from Carranza to Quaker Bridge. What an absolutely gorgeous day to hike. Temperatures were in the low 30's as I hit the trail, bright sunshine, the air was crisp, clean, refreshing and dead still. The woods was quiet and peaceful. The section of the Batona Trail from Carranza to Quaker Bridge contains a lot of stretches where tree branches and the underbrush have encroached on the trail and are constantly rubbing against you as you're hiking. I am happy to report that I did not find one tick or one chigger on me today (clothes and shoes were treated with permethrin)
Peremthrin is some mean stuff.I am chigger proof when I have the stuff on.
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Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
Yay!! Post some pics Old Crazy if you have them! Would love to see and glad you had a most excellent time!!

I'm going to have to figure out how to post pictures. I didn't take any pictures on the Batona Trail yesterday, but I took a few neat looking shots of a racoon on my back porch a few nights ago.

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
Old Crazy; that is a nice section. i think there are more fallen trees then any other section.
have you hiked the new section yet??

I haven't hiked the new section yet, but I'm looking forward to the detour around the paved road and the dirt road. I thought about doing that section yesterday, but I only needed to do a Carranza to Quaker Bridge hike to complete my 85th end-to-end hike of the Batona Trail (set a goal 9 years ago to hike its entire 50 mile length 100 times)

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
Yesterday morning I was in the area of Rockwood and along the Mullica until noon. I don't have a single bite on me, even though I was in grasses knee and waist high for hours.. The cold Friday night and the cooler temperatures Saturday probably just slowed them down for a moment. We are going to have more seasonal weather this week. I don't think we are in the clear just yet.

Yeah, I can't say with 100% certainty that the chiggers are gone everywhere. As far as the ticks, unfortunately they never go away. They just become less active and less likey to get on you when it gets cold. It's supposed to be in the 70's this week, so the ticks will be very active in that temperature.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I'm going to have to figure out how to post pictures. I didn't take any pictures on the Batona Trail yesterday, but I took a few neat looking shots of a racoon on my back porch a few nights ago.

When you are typing a post there is a button next to the "Post Reply" button that says "Upload a File." Just click on that button and choose your photo. If possible, it is best to size your photo to make it smaller to save the site some space. However, that is not mandatory and your file will still upload if left large.


Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
When you are typing a post there is a button next to the "Post Reply" button that says "Upload a File." Just click on that button and choose your photo. If possible, it is best to size your photo to make it smaller to save the site some space. However, that is not mandatory and your file will still upload if left large.


Thanks, Guy.


Aug 24, 2012
Old Crazy!! I adore your humor! If you weren't so old and this mama married... We MAY have had something. I am happy about your "Piney Beverly Hillbilly Story". See I'm not ignorant and know the old tv shows you watched new as kids.

Old Crazy

Oct 13, 2007
Stinking Creek, NJ
Old Crazy!! I adore your humor! If you weren't so old and this mama married... We MAY have had something. I am happy about your "Piney Beverly Hillbilly Story". See I'm not ignorant and know the old tv shows you watched new as kids.

You're only as old as you feel. Unfortunately, I feel like petrified wood (this is a family BB, no pun intended ;))
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