Search results

  1. ecampbell

    Batona Trail half way

    Can anyone pinpoint this spot on the Batona Trail?
  2. ecampbell

    An interview with Spike Wells

    I used to buy saw dust from him in the 1980's. He's high tech now with that bandsaw. He used to cut with a vertical saw blade that must have been 2 ft in diameter with individual teeth that were screwed on. Sometimes I would see him at the Pic.
  3. ecampbell

    An interview with Spike Wells

  4. ecampbell

    NJ bag ban causing more plastic use

    Just my credit card.
  5. ecampbell

    Resistance Grows to the New Plan to Close 200 Miles of Roads in Wharton State Forest

    This whole thing is a joke. Many of the roads that they offer to keep open are impassible and some like Whitehorse and Tuckerton south of Carranza Road are a disaster. Wharton is being closed from lack of maintenance.
  6. ecampbell

    Petition to keep Wharton's Roads Open

    Thanks, Ben, for posting this here, it made it easy.
  7. ecampbell

    Correlation between bigfoot sightings and black bears?

    I watched a segment on "Expedition Unknown" and they were looking for the Abominable Snowman in the Himalay's and after tracking and setting up many cameras it turned out to be a previously thought to be extinct bear. I highly recommend that show.
  8. ecampbell

    Snow coming next week?

    WE have 5 inches in Nacle.
  9. ecampbell

    The Pioneer Sportsman's Club

    The foundation of the building at the blueberry field can be easily found.
  10. ecampbell

    We Got A 2023 Range Rover Stuck Off Road

    Remember this one?
  11. ecampbell

    "Elevated fire weather conditions"

    My house has gas forced hot air with a humidifier which I have no control over. Indoor humidity is 45%.
  12. ecampbell

    "Elevated fire weather conditions"

    Be careful how high you set it. One year my windows sweated and messed up some woodwork.
  13. ecampbell

    Who here has a solar electric system?

    They complicate the sale of a house especially if a lease is involved.
  14. ecampbell

    A Fine Time For Fine Wine

  15. ecampbell

    Whispering Pines

    Where is Whispering Pines?
  16. ecampbell

    Flashlight of Choice?

    How about easy to use, few modes headlamps?
  17. ecampbell

    Flashlight of Choice?

    I feel the same way about modes. I don't want to cycle through them to get what I want which a light. What light did you buy?
  18. ecampbell

    Ticks & Chiggers--a study

    I still ITCH!!!