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  1. c1nj

    Bass River Fire Tower proposal

    @Boyd I know this is 30 years late but I want to apologize to you for all my dirt bike noise. I spent a lot of time going up and down those powerlines!:)
  2. c1nj

    Isolation 2020

    My friend is a buisness administrator of a rural town. He said the state is sending mixed messages regarding outdoor recreation. They asked him to shut down his municipal parks yet they are allowing people to fish on state park lakes. I am a fisherman but I can understand his point.
  3. c1nj

    Isolation 2020

    Looks like we might be stuck on this side of the Delaware soon.
  4. c1nj

    Isolation 2020

    I also have a property in another state. The problem is people don't bring their local ICU beds with them when they travel. On another note, I think I just heard thunder.
  5. c1nj

    Isolation 2020

    I went to Ocean City yesterday to visit my grandmother. She stayed on her balcony. There are PA license plates everywhere.
  6. c1nj

    Isolation 2020

    Just came home from BJs. It wasn't anymore crowded than normal. Most items were available. I bought two weeks worth of groceries. I was on the extreme edge of stocking up but I didn't cross into hording. It is amazing how much food college students eat. My wife and I aren't going to...
  7. c1nj

    Isolation 2020

    I think I may have to go out today. Our last trip was March 14th. I know I could last a few more weeks but my millennial daughter keeps whining about avocados. I have been really getting creative though and have been baking my own bread. So far the oldest pantry item I have utilized had a best...
  8. c1nj

    Old Hidden Gun Club

    Perhaps a victim of the forest fires of 1963?
  9. c1nj

    Mopar In The Pines

    Here is one I found in the southern pines near an old gravel pit.
  10. c1nj

    What are these Tools

    Deer hanging device?
  11. c1nj

    GMC Truck Long Hidden In The Pines

    I am familiar with this truck. I have flown over it. According to legend, it was left by an individual collecting pine cones decades ago.
  12. c1nj

    Dirty Power

    Maybe the power for the BP line is being detoured through your lines causing a disturbance.
  13. c1nj

    Dirty Power

    Actually, I was thinking about the powerline that runs through Beesley's Point.
  14. c1nj

    Dirty Power

    Maybe it has to do with the powerline replacement across the Great Egg Harbor River.
  15. c1nj


    Cape May County already amended their open space trust fund. Initially, I was in favor of the amendment. Most of the open space funding originates in the barrier islands where there isn't any open space to preserve. The amendment would allow built out islands to participate in the program and...
  16. c1nj

    Ceiling fan

    Sorry Boyd, I was thinking Route 49!
  17. c1nj

    How Rutgers Alumni are Bringing Quail Back to New Jersey

    Apparently, the Ruffed Grouse hunting season has also been suspended this year. I haven't seen one of those in decades.
  18. c1nj

    Warm, warmer, hot.

    The volunteer weather watcher has objective data indicating a warming trend. I don't think he is disagreeing with anyone.
  19. c1nj

    Warm, warmer, hot.

    The Cape May County Hearld had an article recently about a gentleman who has been a NWS weather watcher for over 44 years. He hasn't missed a day collecting weather data during this time. When asked about climate change he didn't offer any opinions other than his 44 years of objective data. He...
  20. c1nj

    pine barrens outside of the Pine Barrens

    What I find confusing is the vegetation along Rt. 55 in Millville and Vineland. The soil is nearly as sandy as Chatsworth yet the forest type is different. Less pine and more stunted hardwoods.