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  1. bobpbx

    Atco Dragway’s Closure Has Drawn More Interest In Woodland Roadway Known For Illegal Street Racing, Says Resident In Asking For Enforcement

    Boyd, whenever Guy confronts a sentence with his name in it (guy), the world goes upside down for him. :)
  2. bobpbx

    Manumuskin River

    That Japanese stilt grass (Microstegium vimineum) in the foreground of the last photo has take over many swamp lands and watersheds. Not as much in the Pines proper, but still. I never saw so much of it everywhere I went this spring and summer. Some of that may also be rice cut grass...
  3. bobpbx

    Odd impression

    I never thought of that. Hmmm. Do you think they'd cross a stream 8 feet wide?
  4. bobpbx

    Odd impression

  5. bobpbx

    Odd impression

    In the soft mud bank along Ivanhope Creek in Monmouth County. I can't imagine what made it. In a remote area with no paths etc.
  6. bobpbx


    When I'd get really hot, I'd go here to the canoe launch on Dover Road just west of Dover Forge and sit in the cool cedar stream. Not big enough to do more than that. Also, under the bridge at Double Trouble....the main bridge over Cedar Creek just south of the village.
  7. bobpbx

    Where is this?

    Absolutely right! Was there today, first time. Was poking around the spillway. I had no idea that beach was County with no stinking badges required. Nice spot.
  8. bobpbx

    Where is this?

    Where is this?
  9. bobpbx

    Save the Pole Bridge Forest

    You have a good point John, for that instance. But think of the other situation, the wind turbines off LBI. Should those LBI locals have all the say if the electricity is used throughout the state as needed? And also 1980 when the pinelands were formed, should the only people...
  10. bobpbx

    Save the Pole Bridge Forest

    I always understand where you are coming from, yes. As to the pine snake and Walmart, I'm sure the Commission absolutely knew there would be snakes in development areas, but they went ahead and created these orange and yellow areas as a concession, but still upon their approval. I can guarantee...
  11. bobpbx

    Save the Pole Bridge Forest

    And if we go to the yellow area on the other side of Country Lakes, it's already coded for rural development but MUST be run through the Pinelands Commission. There is no other answer than PPA used this to obfuscate the issue; it has nothing to do with the current development plan. Why PPA...
  12. bobpbx

    Save the Pole Bridge Forest

    I understand what you are saying, but that land can in no way be built upon anyway. It's mostly swamp and streams. So the cry is to save something that has already been saved due to its nature. And even more, it's already protected by Forest designation.
  13. bobpbx

    Save the Pole Bridge Forest

    PPA using all their money to dupe people into voting for saving all the areas designated Regional Growth (orange below) is just crazy. Go right ahead, tell them all this stuff is all the last remaining wilderness, then. Not me, I'm satisfied with what the FEDS and NJ agreed to in 1980. It was a...
  14. bobpbx

    Save the Pole Bridge Forest

    I'm starting to see some of the silly stuff environmental organizations are raising hell about, and I'm disgusted. This is as bad as the denial of a walmart along route 37 in toms river because one pine snake was found on the site. Move it, then. That was also in a regional growth area. And the...
  15. bobpbx

    Save the Pole Bridge Forest

    Here, I fixed it for you guys. If your car breaks down in the wildernes, R&R automotive is only 100 yards away.
  16. bobpbx

    Save the Pole Bridge Forest

    I intentionally did not count the area close to the lands already developed. Are you saying they are part of the last remaining wilderness? Imagine looking across from China King, while eating your egg roll, and remarking that the area across the street must be the last remaining wilderness...
  17. bobpbx

    NJ Silica Sand Co

    Al knows that I still want to do a plant survey on this little peninsula of sand that juts out into a flooded sand mine down there. We were exploring there about 15? years ago. We walked up to this oddity through a forest clearly not pine barrens, and suddenly came upon a little peninsula with a...
  18. bobpbx

    Save the Pole Bridge Forest

    From the petition wording: "The proposed development pushes right up to the edge of what the Pinelands Commission will allow in proximity to wetlands." So, where is the problem here? "NJ’s Affordable Housing Laws specify that at least 20% of all “for-sale” homes need to be affordable as well...
  19. bobpbx

    Save the Pole Bridge Forest

    Of course Jason is banking on hoping that entire rural development area in orange is taken off the table. But that's wrong. People who owned that property when the plan was developed should not have the rug pulled out from under them 40 years later. Jeff larson is a member of PBX. I know him...