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  1. woodjin

    Man Falls in Camp Fire

    not much info. were they trying to mug this guy or something?
  2. woodjin

    2013 Lines On The Pines

    Or at least until someone loses an eye.
  3. woodjin

    2013 Lines On The Pines

    I won't be able to make it this year as I am hosting a play date with 6 year olds while my wife is at a bridal shower near the shore. I hope everyone has a great time there, sorry to miss it. Jeff
  4. woodjin

    Friendship creek headwaters

    Yes, they are very close. It is interesting how the batsto flows in a southernly direction and friendship goes north when they originate in such close proximity. I wonder why that is? You know, when i walk out my front door, if i walk straight a head i end up at the batsto in 300 yrds or so...
  5. woodjin

    Where is Calico Ridge?

    that is really cool, Boyd. I would be interested to know the geological considerations in the formation of the ridge. Not being very well educated in geology I would first consider it a testiment to the age the oswego. Guy, you are absolutely right. I had the picture in hand as I took the...
  6. woodjin

    Where is Calico Ridge?

    Went to the spot I determined to be Calico ridge. There is a very steep drop going down to martha's pond. It is somewhat hidden now due to tree maturity, but I can imagine it must have been an amazing vista years ago. Take a look at the photo again 1971 Now look at this photo i took today...
  7. woodjin

    Friendship creek headwaters

    I recently led a PBX hike in the retreat preserve in southampton. A portion of that hike was along friendship creek north of route 70. Bobpbx and I were discussing the headwaters of friendship creek primarily burrs mill brook. However, I seemed to recall that friendship creek had it's head...
  8. woodjin

    Friendship Bogs

    Nice pics Al. The water levels are high.
  9. woodjin

    Deep Inside Wharton's Interior

    Huge red maple blow down The hiking stick in the photo is between 5.5 and 6 feet tall Pristine Islands/sand bars Open woods A short video of some not so open woods Jeff
  10. woodjin

    Earthquake or ?

    I heard it. I was in a basement in Mt. Laurel working. I thought it was a helicopter going over the house.
  11. woodjin

    Where is Calico Ridge?

    I did a little research on this. Calico Ridge is, in fact, a geographically designated ridge extending 6 meters in height along the eastern bank of Martha's pond. It is less a specifically named spot, than it is a natural occurence. While Behr's spot is south of Martha's pond, it could still be...
  12. woodjin

    Pine ID

    Yes the CCC planted many many white pines and as Gibby mentioned, Lebanon is full up them. I noticed that the white pines don't seem to procreate in the pines. That doesn't seem to make sense but it seems that way. I only notice them in the nurserys and near old dwellings. Jeff
  13. woodjin

    Where is Calico Ridge?

    Ed, I can tell you with 100% certainty that Behr was referring to this spot and the sandy bank slightly to the north. He told about it as we drove past after a PBX hike years ago. Jeff
  14. woodjin

    Hey! Look what I found

    Sorry it took so long. Here you go.
  15. woodjin

    Bass River Headwaters Area ... A PBX Hike

    I enjoyed this trip. Bass river is a significant water shed and it will certainly be worthwhile to make it to the absolute begining someday.
  16. woodjin

    Back to the Pines

    Glad your feeling better, Greg.
  17. woodjin

    $9.7 million to preserve 5,000 acres of woodlands and wetlands

    I believe this is the area you were telling me about on the Retreat hike, Scott. right? this is great news. i am excited to check this place out. This will have to be a PBX event for sure. Jeff
  18. woodjin

    Pine Barren Exploring Trip

    That sucks. I hope you have a speedy recovery.
  19. woodjin

    Bigfoot at Cake Spruto?

    Great photos!!
  20. woodjin

    Pine Barren Exploring Trip

    That is great, Bob. Gee imagine if we made a big "to do" about it everytime we came across someone burying someone else? We'd never finish a hike.