Search results

  1. manumuskin

    Fall/Winter Stone Searching 2019/2020

    I think I can find that big one from the description:-) I guess no one from the house asked you what you were doing:-)
  2. manumuskin

    Fall/Winter Stone Searching 2019/2020

    The cellar holes are along the south side of the pit.If memory serves me there are several between the road and pit edge in the scrub oak and maybe one or two south of the road as well.Small holes,nothing spectacular
  3. manumuskin

    Fall/Winter Stone Searching 2019/2020

    There are several cellar holes at Half Way in the edge of the woods.You probably know that though:-)
  4. manumuskin

    Paranormal experiences in the pines

    Oh believe me I"m not anonymous.Many on this board know exactly who I am and believe it or not I am far from being the oldest on here.I"d also say I"ve never seen anyone before you who looked like a W. How creative!
  5. manumuskin

    Paranormal experiences in the pines I think their Nephilim I"m sure Wicked Wise Ass will think their Sasquatch,still cool,most will think their fake
  6. manumuskin

    Fall/Winter Stone Searching 2019/2020

    Looks like rough country.I think I see the corduroy rd on the aerial
  7. manumuskin

    Fall/Winter Stone Searching 2019/2020

    looks like a wet day
  8. manumuskin

    Fall/Winter Stone Searching 2019/2020

    Nice stones! I have found several nice quartz stones down here but granite is a rarity.Some nice ones though north of Weatherby road.All cut and squared too
  9. manumuskin

    Pipelines and the Pinelands

    I lived in Fort Dix for some time.Not particulkarly fond memories.I did not realize it at the time but it was heaven compared to where they were about to send me. Never ever take the government up on an offer of an all expense paid vacation. You won't like the destination
  10. manumuskin

    Alternative to pepper spray

    Bad Ass! Hard to Believe but Bad Ass!
  11. manumuskin

    Alternative to pepper spray

    God forbid you should try to defend yourself
  12. manumuskin


    My response to the orange argument is iof you don't know the difference between a man and a deer then you shouldn't be hunting or even having a gun
  13. manumuskin

    Fake Oil Discovery in South Jersey

    I just road the dirt road that goes by it a few weeks ago.The well itself is on private property but a state sans road passes up the border of the property
  14. manumuskin

    Fall/Winter Stone Searching 2019/2020

    Oh once I think I may have seen a couple of wild dogs up by 532 on the Batona Trail,the discontinued section now that headed north to Panama rd.There was an old gravel pit people had been dumping refuse in and as i walked by the pit two dogs were picking through something.When they seen me they...
  15. manumuskin

    Fall/Winter Stone Searching 2019/2020

    I once was surrounded and followed over a mile by a pack of baying hound dogs till their owner who was radio tracking them by collar caught up to us. It was on that long really tight road you (Bob) and I went down so we could walk back to the snake dens I showed you. I heard them baying and...
  16. manumuskin

    Fall/Winter Stone Searching 2019/2020

    The large gravel pit in the NE corner of the property is the area Tom Brown referred to as Hell in his book "The Tracker" where the wild dogs supposedly tried to eat him. His tracker school is on the Forked River and this property border runs right down the creek and borders his school.
  17. manumuskin

    Alternative to pepper spray

    Thanks! That looks like it might work if it's wide enough and being hard plastic will definitely last longer then the corduroy type cae it was in
  18. manumuskin

    Bad bug

    did the same thing here in Dividing Creek in the early 70's
  19. manumuskin

    Alternative to pepper spray

    No, On the computer all I came up with was Switzerland
  20. manumuskin

    Alternative to pepper spray

    I have a Victorinox Multitool and have wore out two cases with it.The bottoms of the case wear through till the inife will fall out. I have tried to find another case for it and the only place I can find to irder one is from Switzerland.I couldn't even imagine the price of that.I have had to...