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  1. manumuskin

    Bigfoots in the pines?

    I was wrong.Here he is!
  2. manumuskin

    Bigfoots in the pines?

    That loud thumping sound was me.I took Him for a Bigfoot hunter as soon as I saw him and I walked over to the nearest dead pine tree and started banging my forehead against it till I knocked myself out. I mean this guy actually is old enough to shave. Does He still put milk and cookies out at...
  3. manumuskin

    It Sure Felt Like A Bee ...But Was It?

    And why did Jess poke you in your eye? I have been attacked several times by Ground Yellerjackets and have never seen them till after I was hit and ran away only to come back later for lost articles as you did or just out of curiosity to see where they were.Three attacks came in different spots...
  4. manumuskin

    It Sure Felt Like A Bee ...But Was It?

    I"ll bet anything they were ground nesting yellerjackets.Remember that nest near the E.D.1796 stone you almost walked into Guy? That time they were already stirred up and you saw them.
  5. manumuskin

    Vintage Pinelands Book

    you can download a pdf of it here
  6. manumuskin


    Well I sure as hell won't be buying one.I still know how to ride a bike
  7. manumuskin


    So if one of these driverless cars cause an accident who gets the ticket? The passenger behind the steering wheel? The manufacturer of the car? or the car itself?
  8. manumuskin

    New PPA brochure

    I just made a call to order the hats made and they said they already have tons of them! Who would have thought?
  9. manumuskin

    New PPA brochure

    How about "We Hates Gates" ? Or Better Yet! " Make America Gateless Again"!
  10. manumuskin

    New PPA brochure

    This bit of propaganda would make the gestapo proud.
  11. manumuskin

    Wolfspider found the W.P. 1700 stone!

    Wolfspider several stones have been stolen down here in Cumberland county as well over the last few years.All next to roads.
  12. manumuskin

    In the blazing hot plains

    I was not there when this pic was taken.I remember Guy posting these pics in the past but as far as i remember I was not there when they were taken. I still do not remember skidoo though yes I am quite old.
  13. manumuskin

    In the blazing hot plains

    I see the pond but do not know what skidoo is.
  14. manumuskin

    In the blazing hot plains

    Where is this Chevy Pond. Disregard if it's a secret spot.
  15. manumuskin

    Near Buck Run

    I was there in the late 80's and remember the tile floor.No well though.
  16. manumuskin there anybody in there

    What is this off roads vehicle act passed in 2009? Was it some sort of victory for the MAP crew?
  17. manumuskin there anybody in there

    Are you telling me they;re getting public funding (My tax money)??? But that I can't go there?
  18. manumuskin there anybody in there

    yes the access road appears to be private.
  19. manumuskin there anybody in there

    As I said above the lots to the south and east of the one shown in the pic are owned by the same.all the lots shown in 46ers photo above are owned by the Coservation Fund.The ones the red arrow crosses.