Search results

  1. manumuskin

    Pine Pollen

    All the oak catkins have fallen and withered up here so I"m assuming our oak pollen is gone? Pine pollen on the other hand is rampant.We have no grass around here to speak of,at least not much thats allowed to get big enough to create pollen.nearest wild grassy areas would be over a half mile...
  2. manumuskin

    PG Rated Video

    Pine trees turn sand into dirt? I thought sand was already dirt? Sand is inorganic bits of quartz silica where as dirt can be organic or inorganic or both.Maybe he is referring to the sand becoming mixed with organie matter and in his view (dirt).Any tree will do that or any vegetation...
  3. manumuskin

    Pine Pollen

    Mommas eyes are swelled shut.she just took Benadryl to see if that works.As a Piney I"m immune to Pine Pollen.
  4. manumuskin

    11 years later

    Perhaps after the next fire in that area???
  5. manumuskin

    11 years later

    Well one thing is reassuring.It apparently is possible to hide from thermal imaging.Some of the videos I"ve watche have made me think living life on the lam would be virtually impossible now.
  6. manumuskin

    The Middle of Nowhere in Every State

    I have been to that precise spot.I Arrowhead Hunt on Egg Island Point and you do actually have that Middle of Nowhere feel.You can barely make out the Lighthouse to the east and a buoy out on the bay,Fortescue is blocked by False Egg Point so other then the lighthouse and buoy and maybe a...
  7. manumuskin

    Ticks & Chiggers--a study

    Both my Labs have trained themselves to walk up to Daddy (Me) like they want me to pet their head,they then immediately turn around and back their posterior end into me which is their way of saying "Hiney Scratch Please!".They both know that Mommy has the treats but daddy is Hiney Scratcher...
  8. manumuskin

    A first, tsunami weather alert

    A 1 ft tsunami! I am totally terrified! Is this going to be anything like Deep Impact?
  9. manumuskin

    Ticks & Chiggers--a study

    Now I have seen bears stand on two legs,lean back against a tree and do an up and down dance scratching their backs and butts. But i fear it's deer and not bears spreading ticks around South Jersey.
  10. manumuskin

    Music for the day

    Whenever you do decide to check out Guy I can say this.We"ll probably never find the body!
  11. manumuskin

    Wilderness Camping

    I think sleeping on the spot would be the definition
  12. manumuskin

    Sycamore Plantings

    Sycamore would be my favorite tree.just found another giant in Stow creek twp yesterday next to the ruin of a 1700's mansion
  13. manumuskin

    Closing West Mill Road

    He's obviously driving it.
  14. manumuskin

    Closing West Mill Road

    We can thank Him for the road grading once we're driving down it again.I wonder just how much of this road he thinks he owns? It's gonna hurt when he's shown that he owns none of it.
  15. manumuskin

    Ticks & Chiggers--a study

    Laurel lake Commercial twp. Mom lives in Roadstown so I"m out that way frequently too.
  16. manumuskin

    Ticks & Chiggers--a study

    Speaking for southeastern Cumberland County the ticks are doing well.I"ve already fed several.
  17. manumuskin

    Saturday 5/5/2018

    Is that a den He's headed into?
  18. manumuskin

    Those durn GPS

    Bout sums it up
  19. manumuskin

    Closing West Mill Road

    another try