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  1. Ben Ruset

    Site Maintenance

    Hi - Just a heads up, I'm going to be doing some work on the site that will require me taking it offline for a few hours. I'm not exactly sure when that will be (it'll be within the next few days, I imagine) but if you try to go to the forums and see that they're shut and/or not responding...
  2. Ben Ruset

    Announcing the new NJPB Maps

    So it turns out that they actually do have a way for you to set limits. I signed up for an API key (and gave them my credit card.) Looking at my web logs it seems like my usage will be way way way less than the 25k/day limit they have. For some reason I thought they set the limit to 25k/month...
  3. Ben Ruset

    Announcing the new NJPB Maps

    Well, the ultimate goal of mine is for it not to go.
  4. Ben Ruset

    Announcing the new NJPB Maps

    Chances are this may be the end of NJPB Maps, sad to say. I'll see if I can get it working with something that isn't google or see if the current usage won't go over their $200 credit, but potentially someone malicious could request their API a million times (using a script) and max out my...
  5. Ben Ruset

    Beware, new firearm law's signed

  6. Ben Ruset

    Announcing the new NJPB Maps

    They probably want to have something on file so that they can bill you if you hammer their API. Will it kill NJPB maps? Hopefully not. I'll have to see what the impact will be.
  7. Ben Ruset

    Announcing the new NJPB Maps

    It uses the Google API to ask your browser where you're located and then adjusts the map to center on that. But I'm using an older version of the API and they probably dropped support for that since it won't work in Safari or Chrome on my desktop either.
  8. Ben Ruset

    Facebook Too Big?

    West Jersey History is another really good Facebook group that I enjoy. Peter Hamilton's West Jersey History site has a page named the same as well.
  9. Ben Ruset

    Ken Washington

    Too bad I wasn't talked out of it that day. :)
  10. Ben Ruset

    Announcing the new NJPB Maps

    The find me thing is buggy. Either you don't have location services turned on on your phone or the old as hell Google Maps API I use has issues.
  11. Ben Ruset

    Ken Washington

    Sad news. I haven't seen Ken in years but for sure he was a great asset to the site back in the day.
  12. Ben Ruset

    Announcing the new NJPB Maps

    Glad you like them!
  13. Ben Ruset

    Amazon - Impact

    Amazon moving to Philly might kick start the rebirth of Camden.
  14. Ben Ruset

    Brendan Byrne dead at 93 If it hadn't been for him the Pines would likely be swallowed up by Applebees, Wawas, and Home Depots.
  15. Ben Ruset

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Thanks for everyone keeping it going. I just pay the hosting bills. :)
  16. Ben Ruset

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
  17. Ben Ruset

    Health Insurance Rates

    If only health care didn't cost so much in the first place. Look and see what your insurance company is paying your pharmacy for your scripts. Then compare what you could be paying for them if you lived in a different country. Dana had a 2hr ER visit for a high fever where they just have her...
  18. Ben Ruset

    Janwar's passing

    Janet was such a wonderful woman. She always took pains to tell me how much she liked the site and she was always happy to see Dana and I at Batsto. She'll definitely be missed.
  19. Ben Ruset

    A Fine Time For Fine Wine

    I'm going to be closing on a house soon and I think I'm going to follow in your footsteps. I'll probably make it on a much smaller scale, though. :)
  20. Ben Ruset


    Folks, If you're going to copy text and pictures from a website to use here please do me a favor and either ask for permission or, if you're only using a little bit, cite the source. It's not fair to take someone else's work and use it as if it was your own, or at the very least without...