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  1. manumuskin

    Music for the day

    I always liked their hit in the 80's "Centerfold"
  2. manumuskin

    Beaver Swamp WMA

    Dan I crossed the swamp twice maybe twenty years ago and I also was wading chest deep by the time I got to Sluice Creek.I believe the dam is backing water up into the swamp.I remember bad briars along the edge of the swamp but by the time I got down into it it seemed to open up the wetter it...
  3. manumuskin

    Beaver Swamp WMA

    I don't see how it's off track.We're still discussing the Timber Beaver swamp.How did said cypress tree get to Timber Beaver swamp? If you set up a flag pole on the duck blind in the original post and then went around and climbed said cypress you would be able to see the flag from the cypress so...
  4. manumuskin

    Beaver Swamp WMA

    Well if you ever find watermelons growing back in the woods it probably is my fault.
  5. manumuskin

    Beaver Swamp WMA

    By unharmed I mean Does it go through like corn and come out still viable? Or will the birds stomach acids destroy it and turn it into white slime?
  6. manumuskin

    Beaver Swamp WMA

    Do birds eat cypress nuts?Will a cypress seed pass through a birds digestive tract unharmed? Did that big cypress on the banks of Sluice Creek marsh start out as a glorified Bird Turd?
  7. manumuskin

    Beaver Swamp WMA

    I seriously doubt this tree is wild. I have been to the cypress swamps in southern Delaware and I seriously doubt Cypress nuts could have fell in a stream and floated into the bay and all the way across and up Sluice Creek without succumbing to salt water.In any case cypress nuts I do believe...
  8. manumuskin

    Beaver Swamp WMA

    There were no cedars in the Greta cedar swamp where I crossed it which was just west of the old RR Grade and route 550. I crossed it where i did because i had an old book that had all the topos to south jersey with vegetation overlays and it stated there was a large tract of cedar in the middle...
  9. manumuskin

    Beaver Swamp WMA

    Some areas down here still aren't covered by Birds Eye,especially many areas near the Bay. I know Bamber wasn't covered a couple years ago.Haven't scanned that area on Birds Eye since then.I remember Timber beaver being a very nice maple swamp,on the other hand the Great Cedar Swamp just north...
  10. manumuskin

    Beaver Swamp WMA

    Yes that ridge is gorgeous.There is an old road/trail down the length of it from the road,or there was back in the 90's anyway. I jumped off here The swamp along the creek actually is backed up and...
  11. manumuskin

    Beaver Swamp WMA

    If you look just to the east of this blind you'll see the island i was aiming for.I came in from a piece of high ground that stretches into the swamp from the northeast.
  12. manumuskin

    Beaver Swamp WMA

    from the end of the road that leads to the dam your only 100 yards from a 7 ft circumference baldcypress planted there over 100 years ago.
  13. manumuskin

    Beaver Swamp WMA

    I"ve been in that duck's huge.I was bushwacking to the beech island just south of it and missed the island and hit the duck blind.From the blind I could see the island.This was in my map and compass day when you had to hold a bearing for a mile to hit a 50 yard long island with no pine...
  14. manumuskin

    Pine Barren Flora

    I know maybe a dozen shrooms well enough to trust myself to eat em.I have two friends that are shroomologists,I"m just a budding amateur.
  15. manumuskin

    Pine Barren Flora

    That shroom is Chicken of the Woods (Sulphur Shelf) Edible but too far gone in the photo.
  16. manumuskin

    Pine Barren Flora

    Is that Pink I see?Down bottom?
  17. manumuskin

    Pine Barren Flora

    the first mushroom shot(the patech) looks like a too far gone patch of Honey Shrooms,a very good edible but too far gone.The single shroom looks like Amanita muscaria?
  18. manumuskin

    Music for the day

    I seen that Dobro and had to listen.Glad i did.I like Tyminski. By the way is that Vladimir Putin on the flute?
  19. manumuskin

    Happy "World Backup Day"

    I guess I"m small fry after all:-)
  20. manumuskin

    Happy "World Backup Day"

    I have a 1 terrabyte external hard drive.It swallered 100 Gigs,Belched and asked for more.