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  1. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    Agreed 1000%
  2. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    Here is an observation - why would they not ask the kids to assist in a cleanup of the area before taking the time to plant the trees? And since we mentioned that they did not protect the newly planted saplings but in the news report, they mentioned that a tree barricade was removed. Is that...
  3. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    I had contacted them when we started talking about the PPA brochure and they are aware of that and have been since earlier in July. I have not mentioned this new gate or news report to them. Hi Kevin, Not sure if you follow our OTNJ FB page, but we have been running posts of the same...
  4. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    Fox 29 just ran a story with Jason Howell talking about the 400 trees. Atlantic white cedar sapplings were planted. Monster trucks were referenced and cutting down a tree barricade with a chain saw.
  5. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    i was wrong, it was NJCF not the PPA that had a similar problem before.
  6. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    Oh I thought he went from Monmouth to those because I know he was not able to do much in Monmouth because there are no roads to close there. I did not know the timeline obviously lol. Thank you for the clarification. And yeah I am not looking forward to the 'team' being all back together.
  7. popeofthepines

    Feb 2019 PLC Mtg In this document, you can read about how at this meeting there was a discussion of the damaged areas caused by ORV's. And I learned that there are 49 ponds that are recommended to be protected. The PPA helped...
  8. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    I agree something does not seem right. The PPA had something like this happen to them before and I thought it was documented on this site but I have not found it yet.
  9. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    I disagree since they have a direct relationship with the PPA. Just look on the home page of this website and you will see that it was suggested to boycott Pinelands Adventures because of the MAP stuff before. Their tactics may have changed to get the MAP but the same people are involved.
  10. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    I agree Rob is in the PPA's pocket. I am not sure how they were able to do it either but I am sure their lawyers made sure it was 'legit'.
  11. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    But don't they have monetary ties to the PPA? MAP protest signs were placed in close proximity to them when that was going on before.
  12. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    Isn't it nice how a group like the PPA can control so many puppets for the Pines? They control Rob, who should not have been allowed back in power and they just gave him a timeout by putting him at Island Beach to get him away from the center off the negative attention. Obviously someone hire...
  13. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    This is from this site - And i posting it here because I want to show that it is not only the PPA we are fighting but the NJCF. So as 1jerseydevil said, we are up against people who are paid to do this and most of us have other jobs that limit our...
  14. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    I agree 100%. And we do need more support and have to figure out which legislatures can offer us that support before it gets too much further out of hand.
  15. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    Jessica is beginning to believe that someone is planting seeds at the location we found and I reported. Recently, I learned someone else discovered the location and I found that they are trimming the path in, and for the first time ever there are new plants growing where they did not grow...
  16. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    i agree that the enforcement should be nil but i Yeah I would like to believe they are nil as Broke Jeep Joe and Teegate said because they are used by everyone. I recall Rob Aurmueller saying at one of the town hall meeting for the last MAP debate, that in the wet season he had to use them to...
  17. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    I agree with the conservation of these plants and the controlled fence area seems best. I wonder when they do the census how many will show in areas where the Pinelands Adventure canoes are dropped off or picked up? Or will they find them in areas where the competing canoe rentals go? Hmm. I...
  18. popeofthepines

    Atco Powerline ROW

  19. popeofthepines

    New Friendship Gate

    So the 'pickering' gates will number 3 by the time this area is done? I believe the state's post before mentioned 4 areas that they have found this plant.
  20. popeofthepines

    Atco Powerline ROW

    I did not know it had a name either. And i think it is gated at the beginning too. Maybe Broke Jeep joe can clarify that.