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  1. popeofthepines

    Closing West Mill Road

    This the pic posted June 1 on the facebook jersey pine barrens group. Fast turn around to today.
  2. popeofthepines

    A Pine Barrens Mystery

    Pretty cool find woodjin and Broke Jeep Joe. Anyone else think there are many people like this gentleman who disappeared for similar reasons at this time?
  3. popeofthepines

    Death of a Pine Snake

    I would agree 100%. It is unfortunate what happened to the reptile. If it had not been being tracked, it most likely would not have made a newspaper article. I don't believe anyone set out with the intent to harm the snake.
  4. popeofthepines

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    So anyone with a 4wd vehicle should 'pay to play'? I am not a hunter but use the roads responsible. Lumping us as a single minded entity is not fair. I have seen 2 wd drive cars make it through Quaker and Hampton. I saw a 90s camaro come out of Quaker onto the Washington Turnpike. I know...
  5. popeofthepines

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    So has Jemima Mount and unfortunately that area is still being driven in and over. Longer than 1/4 mile.
  6. popeofthepines

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    I don't believe it to be just Wharton. I think they want to spread this to all state parks that they can.
  7. popeofthepines

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    I agree that this does not seem much different then the MAP plan. They have a better way of having repercussions stick with this than they did with the MAP. That's my opinion. First they have to catch them to ticket them.
  8. popeofthepines

    Jeep Jamboree 2016 – WOW! IT IS FINALLY COMING!!!!!

    While I am glad you were able to glean the information off the site, I was trying to point out that you may have misconstrued the information, in my opinion. Have a nice day. :dance:
  9. popeofthepines

    Jeep Jamboree 2016 – WOW! IT IS FINALLY COMING!!!!!

    I agree that is an ill timed event with all the MAP discussions. Hopefully it does generate a lot of local revenue.
  10. popeofthepines

    Jeep Jamboree 2016 – WOW! IT IS FINALLY COMING!!!!!

    And there are two pics of Jeep driving through water and many more on the FB link from that page. I did say I was referring to the FAQ section in my earlier post. I never said there were pictures of boulders, I was referring to the FAQ section about streams because that is the word you used...
  11. popeofthepines

    Jeep Jamboree 2016 – WOW! IT IS FINALLY COMING!!!!!

    I agree and this is how I know the information I noted in my previous post. I read it and that is why I wrote what I did. If you interpreted it differently then so be it, I cannot help those who cannot help themselves.
  12. popeofthepines

    Jeep Jamboree 2016 – WOW! IT IS FINALLY COMING!!!!!

    No Jon you did not. You said "The pictures from last year look to me like a bunch of jeeps driving through steams and sensitive areas: The state is possibly still going to shut down 50% of roads in Wharton to the...
  13. popeofthepines

    Jeep Jamboree 2016 – WOW! IT IS FINALLY COMING!!!!!

    In your prior post, you said the pictures from last year. I wanted to show that the Jeep Jamboree has not been here for more than a few years. You do realize that it has rained here lately and there are puddle on main roads that will cause vehicles to get muddy. Their venture through Wharton...
  14. popeofthepines

    Jeep Jamboree 2016 – WOW! IT IS FINALLY COMING!!!!!

    You do realize that the post you are referring to is from 2010 or earlier? Jeep Jamboree pays a permit fee and as of Sept 2015, they were still waiting for it to be approved by Wharton. I guess they got it back and it was approved. They have to set a route as part of that permit application...
  15. popeofthepines

    Did anyone see this article?

    Not a bad article. I did not see it posted anywhere else on here. Has anyone else heard about the volunteering for patrolling?
  16. popeofthepines

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    The front page of yesterday's courier had another article about the MAP. And has anyone seen a brown "rob" sign that was removed by the state? I know where I saw one cut a few weeks ago.
  17. popeofthepines

    ORV Management In Sensitive Areas Of Wharton

    Everyone knows of the meeting tonight in Shaming at 730? It is the Pinelands council meeting.
  18. popeofthepines


    I saw this on the OTNJ and the caption was that the Pope is against the MAP. I found it funny and thought I would share it here.
  19. popeofthepines

    Your Forest Under Attack: MAP Misinformation from the DEP

    They may not support the MAP but I cannot believe they did not know the reasoning behind doing the volunteer work? I appreciate the value you see in the forum and cultural connections as do I. I do not believe that fair access has been considered for all; since all parties have not be...
  20. popeofthepines

    Your Forest Under Attack: MAP Misinformation from the DEP

    So Jason is worried about death threats, but actions like this are ok? People are possibly going to have damage to their vehicles done by someone who feels this is the best tactic or worse drive on a tire that was partially compromised and possibly die in an automobile accident? Maybe someone...