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  1. Teegate

    Kettle Run Fire, Again

    Great Photo! And the name change is great as well.
  2. Teegate

    Kettle Run Fire, Again

    And Jess and I were on Carranza Road when we saw the Kettle Run fire.
  3. Teegate

    Kettle Run Fire, Again

    My daughter took this from 55 near Glassboro.
  4. Teegate

    Kettle Run Fire, Again

    Here is the Glassboro fire. My daughter's friend took this.
  5. Teegate

    Berlin Peak

    It looks different than I remember it. I wish I could find my photo.
  6. Teegate

    Berlin Peak

    I am late getting to this because I could not find my book concerning this subject. We discussed this before a long time ago and I believe the photos are no longer on the site. So I will repeat. In Maurice Horner's book titled "The History of Evesham Township" he calls that hill "Stoney Mount"...
  7. Teegate

    Fire in Waterford

    If you have Facebook.
  8. Teegate

    Fire in Waterford

    There is a fire near Tremont ave and Burnt Mill Road in Waterford.
  9. Teegate

    Friendship Bogs

    The orange dirt in some area's, mainly along the edges, is disappearing and the original sand is starting to show. It makes the road look damp. I hate driving on the road anymore.
  10. Teegate

    Friendship Bogs

    I don't keep the sound on with my dash cam so you really can't get the full idea how fast and loud the car was on our way out to the pines this morning. Click Here To View Video
  11. Teegate

    Friendship Bogs

    All, Visited a few of the bogs and canals early this morning. On our way down Carranza the smoke from the Tea Time Hill fire was pretty thick in one section. Also, Carranza Road needs scraping. Anyway, as expected we were able to walk places we have never been able to before. Why take the...
  12. Teegate

    Stone Searching Fall & Winter 2024/2025

    Back in 2018 Jessica and myself looked for a monument and old post at the southern end of the Birches property along the Tom Roberts Branch. The swamp was flooded at the time and I was not able to locate the monument. It was there in the 1950's during the Wharton survey. Today, we made another...
  13. Teegate

    Berlin Peak

    I beat you there Bob. Here is a blurry photo there showing the late K.C. Mahon on the left and me on the right. Developed in 9/1975. And again on 9/18/2002. The homes nearby were being built at the time of the second photo and some were occupied.
  14. Teegate

    Wet Forest - Formerly Known as Dry Forest

    I usually wash my car myself but they want you to go to the car wash to save water. You sure don't save money doing that. It was $10 for a basic wash.
  15. Teegate

    Wet Forest - Formerly Known as Dry Forest

    That is what my wife saw so she took the umbrella.
  16. Teegate

    Wet Forest - Formerly Known as Dry Forest

    My wife got rained on during her walk this morning. About three minutes she had the umbrella up. Rain gage here shows nothing.
  17. Teegate

    ‘It is a crisis’: N.J. cranberry farms struggle amid worst drought they’ve ever seen
  18. Teegate

    New Book ‘Pine and Dandy’ Gets Kids Into Forest Ecosystem
  19. Teegate

    Visiting the Monster

    Yea, I see it as well. I have been many times years ago confused with Bill Gates in a B&W photo. My wife and I were chased on the boardwalk once with people yelling I was him.
  20. Teegate

    Unusally heavy boydsmaps usage

    You need to throw Big Eddy out the door.