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  1. mike242424

    A nice hike in the pines

    Thanks for the good feedback on the pictures.
  2. mike242424

    A nice hike in the pines

    Its not the building just west of it. Its actually east od the furnace. I didn't get any shots up close but i saw stone, and some old brick and it was in a little clearing...
  3. mike242424

    A nice hike in the pines

    Today i hiked this area as seen below in the link and it was a gorgeous day to be in the pines. If someone could tell me the river I was hiking along that'd be great. I'm not a big kayaker or canoer so i'm only where of the Mullica and some other major rivers...
  4. mike242424

    Some pictures in the Pine Barrens

    Awesome pictures summerbug.
  5. mike242424

    Hampton Road

    you should definately go snake man, it very easy to get too,nj&ie=UTF8&ll=39.743098,-74.713211&spn=0.028247,0.044889&z=14&iwloc=addr&om=1
  6. mike242424

    Hampton Road

    Thanks Guy, I'm just testing it out so the same pictures are being posted as before
  7. mike242424

    Hampton Road

    I have a feeling there is a better way to post multiple pictures. Can anyone steer me in the right direction? It would be greatly appreciated.
  8. mike242424

    Hampton Road

    One of the bogs off the road
  9. mike242424

    Hampton Road

    Close up of the Cedar
  10. mike242424

    Hampton Road

    Cedar that got struck??? not sure
  11. mike242424

    Hampton Road

    I took a ride down Hampton Road today and took a few pictures
  12. mike242424

    Earlys Crossing

    Thanks alot jerseyman you've given nothing but good information. I'm always wondering how places get their names and like finding out. Thanks again
  13. mike242424

    Earlys Crossing

    I was in the Earlys Crossing area today and was curious if anyone knew who Early was or why it was named that.
  14. mike242424

    Spring Hill

    It was at that same fork in the trail where i saw it. Maybe someone stole the old sign or broke it and it was replaced. That was the first time i was back there in quite a while
  15. mike242424

    Spring Hill

    On my way home I snapped a picture of that Russel's Crossing sign as well that we discussed a while ago
  16. mike242424

    Spring Hill

    Bare with me i took these pictures with a cell phone. I'm just curious if i found Spring hill or not. However if i didn't, I still found spectacular views in the dwarf pines.
  17. mike242424

    Big Tree

    Wow , that is a huge tree. looks like two people couldn't even wrap their arms around the tree and touch hands
  18. mike242424

    Spring Hill

    Thanks Boyd, thats an area i'll definately have to check out soon
  19. mike242424

    Spring Hill

    I'm not sure where Spring Hill is. Looks like dwarf pines in the pictures so is it somewhere off 72 in woodland or barnegat township?
  20. mike242424

    little swamp

    Hey Guy i took your advice and went back to that same spot and i've been seeing this one flower growing. I'm not too sure what it is and i'm sure someone here knows.