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  1. J

    The Magical Land of Lahaway

    Hey I missed the earlier parts to the articles. Can I still access them?
  2. J


    When I lived in Absecon on Route 9 there used to be one in my side yard that would keep me up every night repeating that damn call over and over. I am very animal friendly but think I could have shot him due to sleep deprivation! I'm glad I didn't I thnk. sometimes blackbirds will emulate the...
  3. J

    New Jersey Nixes Planned Bear Hunt

    I appreciate your acknowledgement for needed conservancy. It's funny that like 2 bears are probably in the Pines at this time (for the first time in a long time) and people are already planning to shoot them already. As far as the NJ Fish and Wildlife...I welcome whatever it takes to actually...
  4. J

    Bears not invited to cranberry fest

    Is "that woman" the one at Buzby's? I kinda; like her but I could see her being on the slick side too for some reason. She's definately a pip!
  5. J

    New Jersey Nixes Planned Bear Hunt

    Bears are not the problem, it is the human population that needs to be thinned out. The presence of the bear in NJ is supposed to be something to celebrate, not in the way that "Yeah, now we can hunt them down and kill them", but that they may grace our state in respectful numbers since we...
  6. J

    Added some new photos of my journies.

    Hey I know Roger. I was hanging with him at CampJam last week. Next time you see him tell him Tom from Billy Hector said hello.
  7. J

    Jet flying over the pines

    Probably marijuana, that's still more important to them over terrorists. :think:
  8. J

    Quaker Bridge Road Celler Holes

    I say this because I think some content was removed...which is OK with me.
  9. J

    Quaker Bridge Road Celler Holes

    In the future, it may be good to establish a line of communication that doesn't go through the forums. Let me know if there is a good way to do that.
  10. J

    Quaker Bridge Road Celler Holes

    I was at Quaker Bridge today. I found a cellar hole on the east side of the bridge. I also found a celler hole maybe a mile before the bridge (travelling east) on the right side of the road. Both were big holes. I wanted to ask if the cellar hole at QB is the former hotel if anyone knows and...
  11. J

    New Member, wants to say Hi and share some recent travels.
  12. J

    New Member, wants to say Hi and share some recent travels.

    What a great example of a roof to protect from the time, that which, somehow breeds the point of interest to begin with. What a parable! I was in Medford last week and realized that some towns occasionally enbrace their history..others are not as able to be consolidated to do so. Can we...
  13. J

    New Member, wants to say Hi and share some recent travels.

    If you wanna' be creeped out go to Camden at night! To me none of it is creepy but I get more of a feeling of loss combined with the sweetness of the mystery and history of the areas. I generally get worried when people are looking for scary places since when they are let down with it all...
  14. J

    New Member, wants to say Hi and share some recent travels.

    I really wish these Parks would do something to maintain the little that's left. I know they upkeep the mansion, but the scholl is probably older and all it needs is a new roof. Despite its vulnerable location and its age, it's in decent shape, at least salvageable. Same thing at...
  15. J

    Duct Tapin' Chiggers

    I must know! Are the tiny tick-like things I got onme today chiggers or ticks. I spent all my ride home finding tiny tick-like creatures on my legs. They magically appear in areas I already checked...over and over.
  16. J

    Tuckerton Stage Road

    Wow, I hadn't refreshed my web page since several hours ago when I replied. I saw, once I had, that a lot of great info had been posted, which made my response look dumb. This is the best thread I've seen in a while. The info posted about the stopover schedule is amazing! The map is also...
  17. J

    Tuckerton Stage Road

    That's cool, that has been a drive I have been meaning to do for some time. The barrier at Maxwell is really lame. I posted at another time that the road through Mount must have been a separate stage route since the two (Washingtom and Mount) are too close together. I think the Washington...
  18. J


    All good passers are welcome. The map location should be good enough. I know the best way to find it for sure is to take the long way from the Parkway exit road. The road is findable by old and new maps. You have to navigate carefully, but as long as you take the first couple of correct...
  19. J

    Ongs Hat

    I went to Ong's Hat today and looked around, generally in the area where the Cook's Topis showed a clearing. The only thing left in that area is some grass and a couple of decent sized pitch pines. The areas across the street have been redeveloped with some residential properties. I like that...
  20. J

    Bears, rattlesnakes and wawa subs . . . . trip report part 1

    He says it "didn't happen in the pines". Still a great story. Hopefully they won't make a movie about bears in the same vein as "Jaws" forthe sake of our bearly brothers. I am interested in seing how te "recent" arrival of bears back to the pines will play out.