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  1. entropysedge

    You really don't want to see this...

    that does seem strange...
  2. entropysedge

    Corzine won't veto Pinelands project

    well, they need a new group of suckers to pay the tax increase... I'm sure they're only building $300,000 to 800,000+ houses....
  3. entropysedge

    Editorial: ORV Use in the Pine Barrens

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that.
  4. entropysedge

    Editorial: ORV Use in the Pine Barrens

    That's because its much easier to complain about the trash that "those" people leave in the area than to actually go out and help clean up. Besides, it means that they would have to actually talk to the Jeep/4WD/ORV people and thereby finding out that they are not the evil people that the PPA...
  5. entropysedge

    Editorial: ORV Use in the Pine Barrens

    I agree with that... trucks,etc do more damage than I do riding my little XT225.
  6. entropysedge

    Step by Step

    Yes, definitely :jeffd:
  7. entropysedge

    Dual Sport Cycle Tour through the Pines

    I'm open to suggestions, however anyone who I ride with will have to understand that I've been only been riding my dual sport for a few months...
  8. entropysedge

    State Shutdown

    Me! :cool:
  9. entropysedge

    The Marshall Tucker Band

    Yes... I have a few relatives who are just like that :rofl: :rolleyes:
  10. entropysedge

    State Shutdown

    Gotta agree with you on that one!
  11. entropysedge

    State Shutdown

    What's really sad is that the shutdown didn't have to happen; Corzine had presented his budget back in March, Roberts and the Assembly sat on it because they didn't like the tax increase, most likely thinking that Corzine would come around to their way of thinking with the July 1 deadline...
  12. entropysedge

    Hello To All

    Hi and welcome!
  13. entropysedge

    Fireworks, or How I Learned I Am Now a Curmudgeon

    yes, I would be too... I live just outside of Trenton and there has been major fireworks this year, more so than before... must be because fireworks are very easy to get now in PA... don't know who they're are stopping from bringing the stuff into NJ 'cause it seems everyone around me has them.
  14. entropysedge

    Dual Sport Cycle Tour through the Pines

    We should try to get together at some point to go riding.
  15. entropysedge


    He said he was going to come back and put a better mark down; you can't see it in the photo but there is a reference mark on the guardrail.
  16. entropysedge


    This picture shows my friend Taylor pointing out (with his foot) where the water crested at Scudders Falls in Ewing; this was taken at about 4:30 this afternoon:
  17. entropysedge

    more ATV problems?

    They are fortunate that they were able to find a broker who understands that not everyone wants to live wrapped in bubble plastic so thar they would stay absolutely safe; I imagine they still shell out a pretty decent amount for insurance tho'.
  18. entropysedge

    more ATV problems?

    sigh... if you don't like something, just legislate it out of existance by way of the lawsuit... I'm sure they also had to battle people who just moved into the area who suddenly discover that oh horrors, they live by a noisy motorcross park and that it just can't be, after all they just...
  19. entropysedge

    a warning

    :rofl: Hehehehehehe :rolleyes:
  20. entropysedge


    That's the hospital that did the hip surgery on my cat in early May, really nice people, VERY busy place