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  1. S

    The Jersey Taverns

    i was sad to see that the woodshed tavern on 72 finally closed down..............................that was quite a place.....................i loved all the mounted pickerel and rattlesnakes on the walls........................hope they have been preserved someplace..........someday hopefully...
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    The Jersey Taverns

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    many thanks for the advice on parker preserve

    ed,jeff.................many thanks for the advice...................that kayaking down the wading sounds like fun,especially now that the water is high........maybe if i get a warm fellas mentioned the southgate there any marking on the...
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    is fishing allowed in the parker preserve

    woodjin......................many thanks for that if i can only find a way to get my pickup to the long lake south of the road to the lake marked at all..............its apparently on the left after i pass the speedwell...
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    is fishing allowed in the parker preserve

    always glad to find a new pickerel spot................i do only catch and fishing allowed,and how do i get to that beautiful long pond to the east of 563 at speedwell.............strom
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    NJPB Live Maps Important Update

    thanks hate to think that harrisville lake had been drained last week..............................need those pickerel to keep my spirits up
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    NJPB Live Maps Important Update

    hi ben,...........................glad to see the pic of your truck......................youre not looking too bad for a youngun arthritis is finally making me feel old.............thought it wouldnt happen til i turn 80 in a few years........................i had looked...
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    Then and Now.....The Accident of the Blue Comet Train

    hi guy, glad to see youre still arthritis is finally making me feel old..................i thought it wasnt going to happen until i hit year......................the only wreck i know of is the one just west of chatsworth...
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    Harrisville Lake

    gregg, hope you feel better....................................glad to hear you actually caught pickerel down on harrisville..............i never had much luck on it........................what bait do you use...............ive used killies for years now.............they invariably...
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    Black Bear in laurel Lake

    manumuskin......................that is something.........................its good to feel that some wilderness is returning to the pines..................millville is pretty far south for a black bear the hell did he get there..............hope he sends some cubs...
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    Walden, or Life in the Woods

    i was born near concord,mass,and worked as lifeguard at walden back when they had a public beach...........clear,cold water.......pretty place..........yes,walden is slow reading.............thoreau is great when he sticks to nature............when he wades into philosophy,it gets terribly...
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    Garmin 60CSX Waterproofness

    hi piney, old strom son sent me a garmin etrek.......................the manual was useless............i presume it is to be used much like a compass.........................any advice on how to use it,as for example,how to set a destination............or do you just head...
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    Fireworks, or How I Learned I Am Now a Curmudgeon

    hungry trout ben.........hell,you aint no old geezer til you get to my age..............listen lad,,have been fishing the upper delaware,north of roscoe for many ages..........where were those hungry trout you were talking about..........strom
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    Jack of All Trades Roundtable

    hi furball...........yes,lots of sources mention hessian deserters heading for the pines during the war.......names common in the pines such as sooy,are supposed to be of hessian or igin.........i doubt that you will find much info on, strom
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    The Fox

    sounds great , where is the silver fox..........strom
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    The Fox

    where is it that silver fox sounds like the woodshed on 72...............where is it