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  1. Bachman's Ivory

    iPhone 4 Maps/Apps

    Hey guys, I'm picking up an iPhone 4 (refurbished) tomorrow. I was wondering if anyone knows some good mapping apps/pre-built maps that I can use with it? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Bachman's Ivory

    Sixth annual lines on the pines—change of venue!!!!

    Yes sir. 3 exposures (at 2 stop intervals) tonemapped in Photomatix Pro.
  3. Bachman's Ivory

    Sixth annual lines on the pines—change of venue!!!!

    Thanks, Ben! I have it printed 12x18 for the event (minus the text of course).
  4. Bachman's Ivory

    The Lure of the Land - A photographic journey through the pine barrens, New Jersey’s

    Thanks ,Bob! I can't seem to get enough of this place.
  5. Bachman's Ivory

    bay days

    Wonderful feel and photos, Bill, you have a unique style, it really shows. Hope to bump into you out there some day. We'll shoot the Breeze. PUN!!!
  6. Bachman's Ivory

    The Lure of the Land - A photographic journey through the pine barrens, New Jersey’s

    Sea Breeze shots Is there anybody out there? The Shard Welcome to the Breeze Broken Setting Blue & Gold Everything Tells a Story These calenders were incredible. They were an almost daily log of types of fish caught, weather and more. Shattered Memories Inferno Road Backyard...
  7. Bachman's Ivory

    Safe on Sea Breeze

    Yup, that's the only place I could think of.
  8. Bachman's Ivory

    Safe on Sea Breeze

    All, While exploring/photographing Sea Breeze last weekend, we came across this magnificent find. Upside down, in the sand with it's front door off (somehow?!) was this very old Marvin Safe. Near the iron casters is embossed "Marvin Safe Co. New York". Doing some research led to this link -...
  9. Bachman's Ivory

    Sixth annual lines on the pines—change of venue!!!!

    Atending and showing I will be in attendance this year. I will have a table with photographs for sale so stop by and chat! Can't wait!
  10. Bachman's Ivory

    The Lure of the Land - A photographic journey through the pine barrens, New Jersey’s

    Thanks, Michael. There's a very good chance I'll be participating in Lines on the Pines!
  11. Bachman's Ivory

    The Lure of the Land - A photographic journey through the pine barrens, New Jersey’s

    I am absolutely ecstatic! I had a great lengthy conversation with turtle towards the end. She left a wonderful comment on the article online. "Chase is in love with his vocation and his experiences in the Pines and makes it truly evident through conversation amidst the sea of his works at PPA...
  12. Bachman's Ivory

    The Lure of the Land - A photographic journey through the pine barrens, New Jersey’s

    There will be an article printed in the Burlington County Times tomorrow. Here is what they posted on their site
  13. Bachman's Ivory

    The Lure of the Land - A photographic journey through the pine barrens, New Jersey’s

    Thank you! Thanks to all who were able to make it out today. I met so many people I couldn't even keep track! We had a large turnout, much larger than expected so if I didn't get to say hello to anyone I do apologize. A truly unforgettable day for me.
  14. Bachman's Ivory

    Photosynth 360's

    Al, These are really neat shots! Stitching looks flawless in my book. What camera are you using? Sounds like a great project.
  15. Bachman's Ivory

    The Lure of the Land - A photographic journey through the pine barrens, New Jersey’s

    Sea Breeze Collage A Portrait of a Dream I owe a huge bit of gratitude to Whippoorbill and his Sea Breeze posts. He reminded me of the beauty of this small Delaware Bay community. I have plans to return and shoot a video documentary, hopefully before it's gone. Check out more of the set here...
  16. Bachman's Ivory

    The Lure of the Land - A photographic journey through the pine barrens, New Jersey’s

    time-lapse Not really pines related, but check out the time-lapse I made a couple of days ago on Temple University's campus