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  1. LARGO

    Batsto: A Town Without Inhabitants

    Yep, blew me in like a pungent smell from the stables behind me. Hey Gabe, yes I am out there. Lots of life stuff going on man. I expect to see you at Lines though. A good paddle down a stream or river is just around the bend for me. Been awhile. g There are birds, and sticks, and trees - Jason
  2. LARGO

    Batsto: A Town Without Inhabitants

    Cutting it too close this time as I have not checked in for a bit, I will keep this in mind for the next go. Lately I have only been able to take very short evening walks occasionally but the moonlit ones are a treat. By the way... hey all. g
  3. LARGO

    Silver Fox Inn

    Sadly enough it did not have to be that way. It wasn't chain establishments or big business that took this one out. It is not that unusual once the older generations run out and the old places fall the wayside. I am in agreement with you no doubt. A sadness. g.
  4. LARGO

    Silver Fox Inn

    Yep Till...
  5. LARGO

    Silver Fox Inn

    It is a sadness yes. I go by there no less than 4 days a week and everytime a glance and a memory, memories truth be told. Scott knows the real skinny and clued me in. Not what I would have considered. Such is life. Make no mistake, The Fox is very relevant to the Pine Barrens and it's many...
  6. LARGO

    Trashing the pines

    Evan, great videos. Very surreal and I like your personal refletions of the Pine Barrens. Your sharing is pleasant and your point simple, No. That shit ain't cool. g.
  7. LARGO

    The Death of Twinkies?

    I was lost at hello regarding the politics. Today being a day of thanks and all, families are precious. Seeing a cool Biz like Hostess and it's families go down, a darn shame. For the Twinkies and many other Hostess products, it's a sadness. I never dreamed they would go away. Truly thought...
  8. LARGO


    It is so very easy to take things for granted. I had a long drawn out version of this day typed but scrapped it. There is so much help and kindness everywhere that needs it. With the high visiblity areas having a great deal of help, I knew immediately where I needed to be. Beloved Tuckerton...
  9. LARGO

    Lines on the Pines(Kids)

    To any who are going to Lines that I had hoped to run in to, sorry but I have to bail. I felt I needed to help in all this sadness and with so much help and hands on the high profile areas, I felt I wanted to be somewhere in a small town. A few calls later and I am off to beloved Tuckerton. My...
  10. LARGO

    Lines on the Pines(Kids)

    I have good intentions on stopping in. My dilemna is... how am I going to introduce the wee ones attending to table NINE and not have their parents paying for therapy for many years to follow. This type of thing is... difficult for me. Morality haunts me so. g.
  11. LARGO

    LBI Shack

    That thing was so cool, It was like an old friend for years greeting the visitors. I can bet there are hundreds of pictures of it out there in the world taken by hundreds of passers by. It lives on in so many memories. You would think the thing was alive the way it hung in there. All things pass...
  12. LARGO

    Sandy aftermath

    Mehhh, power out for a good long time but no blowdown and no compromising of house and home. We had the basic preperations down so were ready as you could be when you don't get a say in the weather. Looking at other areas on the news, we were quite blessed. g.
  13. LARGO


    I really wanted to attend since I missed last year kid, but you threw me a curve. Had an engagement down towards Smithville. I was talking to another neighbor that had to bail out that very morning. No worries. Getting the work done was important and thanks to all that did get it done...
  14. LARGO

    Good Afternoon, What is the facebook link/address/whatever. I would like to give it a look...

    Good Afternoon, What is the facebook link/address/whatever. I would like to give it a look. Matters of the Fish Factory and the Boulevard are always an interest to me. g.
  15. LARGO

    McRib to be brought back in December

    The invention of the McRib and it's presence is the basis for the reckless state of decay that has befallen modern society as we know it and the very ground work for the incomprehensable demoralization of our diet as a civilization. McRib is evil personified. McRib is the Devil. g.
  16. LARGO

    Big Chrome and Plenty of Rust

    I have had a few treasures like this in the back forty and found in surrounding properties over the years, since us backwoods types can't seem to get rid of stuff in a reasonable time frame if we have someplace in "the way back" to put 'em. Since my cousin has one big ass junkyard within...
  17. LARGO

    Burnt Mill Road

    Hey man, My youngest is in 3rd year of Soccer there. Cool. Perhaps we'll bump into each other sometime. Yeah, road's a little weird right now and all the recent work in my opinion turned into the "road" equivalent of Bat Guano. Best Regards, g.
  18. LARGO


    Mehh, Been awhile since I've shared something so I'll go with a familiar trip that never bores me. Saturday was a man trip day. So Sam, Jason, and I, with Bee-Gees C/D (A staple for this drive) went off to a junket to Seven Bridges road to check out the fly population. 542 was nice and we...
  19. LARGO

    Green Bank Inn... closed for good.

    I was speaking to a fellow on what would have been the final night for the place. My recollection of the conversation is that they were having a: "Drink till every bit of booze in the joint was gone" and then close the doors for good. Now, I do not...
  20. LARGO

    The List

    Hey Kiddo, I love to see your tech saviness hasn't changed. Stay the course, be an example of not falling in with the masses. But then, the part of me that figured you advanced actually was sadly mistaken. I sent you a text just some days ago and then it occured to me that you (A) never got that...