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  1. H

    Hand Made Birch Skin Canoe

    That's fascinating! Thanks for posting!
  2. H

    Catching up on some photos

    That's a striking picture of the swimming rat snake. That looks like open water (i.e., no shorelines in sight); I guess I just hadn't thought that much about swimming snakes. "Snakes in Lakes" seems even more sinister than "Snakes on a Plane."
  3. H

    HistoricAerials Screen Shots

    Eschew obfuscation.
  4. H

    Old aerial photos

    True enough. What strikes me is how few trees there are in the 1930s aerials, even in some pretty wet areas. I wonder what percentage of the population was relying then on wood for home heating.
  5. H

    Ft. Dix Bomark Site information....

    Great Pyramid of Giza Hanging Gardens of Babylon Statue of Zeus at Olympia Temple of Artemis at Ephesus Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus Colossus of Rhodes Lighthouse of Alexandria Library of Jerseyman
  6. H

    Why can't I lose this gut?

    For a brief overview of my life experience with weight loss, please see attached. Dave
  7. H

    Friendship Bog Stone and More

    "then stopped into the Post Office in Chatsworth seeking info on the owner of the property where the $100 bridge is located, but they could not help me out." Guy, Where exactly is the bridge? I might be able to track this down. Dave
  8. H

    Barnegat Twp Wildfire 04/19/08 3 pm

    Thanks for this info, and for the interesting link, too, Pete. Dave
  9. H

    Your Replacement

    Ben, This is truly remarkable. What a gift! Dave
  10. H

    Beware of Beaver

    Never run into a rabid beaver, myself, or even a territorial one. On my grandfather's farm in Aroostook County, Maine, there were beavers for many years on the stream that fed into the irrigation pond. We didn't see them at all during daylight hours (although we did wonder upon their handiwork)...
  11. H

    Aquarium Gets Rare Two-Headed Python

    Two-faced? And people are always telling me that we lawyers are two-faced. (Craig Ferguson's line when Dick Cheney accidentally shot-gunned his lawyer buddy: "C'mon! He's a lawyer! He can use his _other_ face!")
  12. H

    A PBX Hike, The Warren Grove Wildfire 6 Months Later

    Guy, I'm using Safari, and I can't open it either. I tried it by clicking on it, and I tried to open it in a new window; both methods resulted in a bad link. Dave
  13. H

    NJ Teen Unlocks iPhone

    I was stranded in Havana I took a little risk Send lawyers, guns, and money Dad, get me out of this. The late, great Warren Zevon
  14. H

    NJ Teen Unlocks iPhone

    I heard a radio interview with the kid on Friday. He _starts_ college this month or next (Rochester Institute of Technology).
  15. H

    Pine Barrens Adventurer

    Jim, Thanks for the photos and the report. Do you know whether this Thomas Clark was the father of Elijah Clark (who was born in 1732, the death year showing on this grave)? Dave
  16. H

    Mallard Ducks - "Rape Flight" - Any ideas?

    No, this was in a courtyard between some commercial buildings in central Burlington County. Is there a similar phenomenon going on around Audubon Lake? For what it's worth, we called at Cedar Run Wildlife Refuge in Medford and they said that this was normal mating behavior and human...
  17. H

    Mallard Ducks - "Rape Flight" - Any ideas?

    An inquiry for all you phenomenal nature knowledge people on this message board about mallard behavior. My daughter has been watching a mother mallard and her ducklings in a pond in the area. She has been getting hectored pretty constantly by a bunch of frustrated drakes. This is evidently a...
  18. H

    Ft.Dix Plot Filed

    I'm not sure big business has to pay the politicos a dime to keep the heat off. I think there are at least two quite plausible reasons why "not much gets done" with respect to the enforcement of immigration laws: First, never underestimate the simple but brutal power of sheer incompetence...
  19. H

    One very spunky girl

    The Library of Congress generates a seemingly endless URL. I got to the original cranberry girl's picture by going to and then searching for "cranberry" The photo comes up under a category labelled "America from the Great Depression to World War II: Photographs from...
  20. H

    $500 for a signed copy of "Heart of the Pines"

    Heart of the Pines, signed copy, $60, from Marilyn I bought a signed copy for $60 on Saturday from Marilyn at the Chatworth General Store. I told her what it is [not] selling for on Ebay. Dave