Search results

  1. H

    Bog Iron: Can You Dig it, or What is the Marl of the Story?

    Sounds delicious, S-M Like a bucket o' wings at the end of a Superbowl party. There's an exhibit in the library on North Haven Island off the coast of Rockland, Maine, where they excavated villages of the "Red Paint People." Evidently, there are several sites in Maine: "Perhaps the first to...
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    Bog Iron: Can You Dig it, or What is the Marl of the Story?

    Great photos, Spung-Man. I never would have guessed that those things had a creamy nougat center.
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    Bog Iron: Can You Dig it, or What is the Marl of the Story?

    This caught me eye because of my interest in the Welsh Quakers of Pennsylvania. "Rowland Ellis" was the Welsh Quaker responsible for bringing the place name "Bryn Mawr" with him from Wales ( ). It's fascinating to learn that there was evidently a...
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    Then and Now.....The Accident of the Blue Comet Train

    I had a client this week who was proposing to drain stormwater that exceeds > 100 yr flow onto some adjoining light rail tracks. I sent them Jerseyman's article (and a link to the Blue Comet book), and the below snippet of Guy's initial post in this thread. I got back a great email yesterday: "I...
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    Hello - journalist looking for your craziest (or just best) Pine Barrens stories here!

    Cover page - nice!
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    Proposed Devastation Prior to Belcoville

    "The Bethlehem Steel Company did not take Washington into its confidence in planning for the vast land purchase—so vast that 250 deeds were recorded at the county offices at May’s Landing, and the signatures of more than 1000 persons, sought in every State in the country, into the greatest...
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    Gun clubs? or shooting ranges?

    Thanks for all the useful feedback, 46er, Piney Mike, and Buschwacker. That's a pretty great list of resources on those webpages, 46er. Buschwacker, thanks for the heads-up. My friend is a lawyer, and, as an officer of the court, I'm sure he'll want to be properly credentialed. On the...
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    Vernal Pond Table

    More on Vernal Pools I think what's going on is this: 1) the one-acre loophole existed in the 1989 "NJ Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act;" the law that was passed in 2001 along with the regs subsequently issued by NJDEP were evidently aimed at closing the loophole; 2) the burden of...
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    Gun clubs? or shooting ranges?

    A friend of mine who lives in Chester County, PA, spends time in the summer at the shore, and is looking for a place near the NJ shore where he can take his sons shooting. Any ideas?
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    A Bridge, A Trestle, Two Rails & Two Tales

    I found this phrase particularly eloquent: Your post was a great example of how much there is to see when we stop overlooking and simply stop to look.
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    Lines on the Pines

    Great summary, Scott, and my sentiments exactly. It did my heart good to realize that here's a man who has written several important books, and that he wrote his first one at age 76 -- that's an inspiration for those of us who are definitely in the second half of this ballgame.
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    Lines on the Pines

    Largo, Thanks very much for making the ticket available, and I am happy to have been able to be a member of inverted table 5, and to have the up close and personal opportunity to observe your aeronautic skills. In the immortal words of Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie, "I was a better man with...
  13. H

    A nice day at Barnegat Light

    Thanks for the info, I was down there late this afternoon, too, and I don't have much skill at species id, so I appreciate it. I loved watching the dunlin (or whatever they were) in synchronized flight.
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    Pinelands Short Course grows, thanks to popularity; starts March 7

    Thanks, Guy, I think it's right now. No question that the link in your post was moved by them: " is upgrading to a new content management system. There will be some outages and broken links during the transition. Thank you for your patience." Dave
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    Pinelands Short Course grows, thanks to popularity; starts March 7

    Guy, Thanks for the heads up. That link now leads to a dead end, but, with your info in hand, I found the event description on the Pinelands Commissions webpage; from there, you can download a .pdf with the registration/brochure, complete with a...
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    Wolf in Voorhees

    The "back pasture" is almost certainly part of Stafford Woods.
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    Mizpah Sand Quarry

    Spung-Man, Where would one sign up? Pinelands Alliance? What's up there now mentions only a November 2008 course. Dave P.S. Never mind ... Guy has since pointed out in another thread that the Pinelands Commissions begins its...
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    Mizpah Sand Quarry

    Spung-Man, Thanks for opening my eyes to the wonderful word "transhumance" (Wikipedia says "trans" = "across" + "humus" = ground), which remains an accurate description of the activity that takes place along that trail, particularly between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Does "transhumance"...
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    Quote from the AP

    Which reminds me of when I lived in Minneapolis back in the early 80s, and the natives called them "The Viqueens." But the best story about the Viqueens from those days was "good ol'" Bud Grant, the stone-faced coach of the "frozen tundra" Vikings, who was then in his final years as coach...
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    Possible Sighting!

    Semi-Urban Beaver? Thanks for posting the pictures, Kaugie125. They clued me in to something that I saw today I probably would have missed if I hadn't looked at your pictures last night. I was hanging out today in a pretty urban environment (i.e., a stream bank along the Camden-Burlington...