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  1. BEHR655

    New Camera Recommendations

    Sweet! Sweet price too. Have fun with it. Steve
  2. BEHR655

    Weather conditions and forecasts

    Cool! Thanks. Steve
  3. BEHR655

    New Map

    Guy, Could the map be copied in sections on a color (if color is important) flat bed copier, taped together, then copied as on the Kinko machine? Or, could the map be photographed and then printed. I have a 10mp camera now. :mrgreen: Steve
  4. BEHR655

    New Map

    Fascinating map. I notice that Calico is not on it. Steve
  5. BEHR655

    New Camera Recommendations

    If you're looking for a D-SLR I can't be much help. I just up-graded from a Panasonic DCM-FZ20 to the FZ50. It's not a D-SLR so I don't have to lay out big bucks for all the lenses. It's 10mp and has a 12x zoom and image stabilization. If I set it to 3mp and use the 4x digital zoom I can get 87x...
  6. BEHR655

    New Woods and Male Bonding

    Looks like you all had a great day. Dang this knee. Maybe some of your wine would have helped it. Steve
  7. BEHR655

    From Bogs to Burn

    Nice photos Guy. And nice video too. I was on Jackson Rd this afternoon and saw the aftermath of that burn. There were still a few trees smoldering. This was around 5:30. Steve
  8. BEHR655

    Tuckahoe WMA

    That is an awesome area. I go there quite often for birding. We should take a trip down there (although Guy won't go, being south of the White Horse Pike and all :mrgreen:). Steve
  9. BEHR655

    Hidden in a Barn

    Must be a garage that Jay Leno forgot about. Steve
  10. BEHR655


    We stayed at Sunscapes in Puerto Aventura. A very nice all inclusive about 1/2 hour south of Playa del Carmen. Our hotel was right on the beach and the back of it looked over the marina. When we went on some of the tours we saw some of the other resorts. They looked a lot nicer than ours but...
  11. BEHR655


    There were only a couple of ruins that you could climb on. The "Castle" (main pyramid) was under repairs and this was the first year you could not climb it. I probably would not have anyway. Man those steps were steep. And so many of them! We were staying only about 1/2 hour from Tulum but I...
  12. BEHR655

    The coastal plain ponds on ice

    Maybe eons ago a huge chunk of land broke off from NJ and drifted north. :mrgreen:
  13. BEHR655

    Hanseys Creek

    Not the end of the earth Guy, just New Jersey. :mrgreen: I go down to that area often for bird watching. Absolutely beautiful area. Steve
  14. BEHR655


    I was in Mexico a couple of weeks ago to help celebrate a friends 50th birthday. Some of us took a tour to visit the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza. What an amazing place. Could you imagine finding ruins like this in the Pines? Go here to view more...
  15. BEHR655

    Cool, very Cool.

    Well the scientists will eat well. :mrgreen:
  16. BEHR655

    Great site; introduction

    Welcome aboard Bob. Steve
  17. BEHR655

    Returning To The Wescoat Bog Area...a PBX Hike

    Glad you all had a great day. Damn this knee! Steve
  18. BEHR655

    any one out today?

    It wasn't Teegate. His Focus is white and he was in a different part of the Pines today. Steve
  19. BEHR655

    A Swim

    H-h-hav-v-ve f-f-fun-n-n. :mrgreen: Steve