Search results

  1. LARGO

    Seeing Grace

    In which I relax discretion to share with friends. I've sat on this for some time. I really wasn't sure I would put these up so as not to attract undue interest in this place. The pics are not great as mine usually are not but I wanted to share. I will say this first. I have a huge respect...
  2. LARGO

    bay days

    Dude, I've been layin' low on this one but you Rock you B**tard! I dig Bay shots and the angles are killer. that shot # 11 (I think) With the flowers & sky, very Tim Burton but cheerful. This last bit with the shoreline looks like some sort of freaky surreal overlay effect between the...
  3. LARGO

    Sweetwater Casino

    Hoping for a rebuild myself although you will never replace the feel of it and the many wonders literally hanging on the walls. Just a comfortable place. A little like stepping back in time but more like stepping into a time preserved. A fine bar to sit at as bars go. I will miss the...
  4. LARGO

    Re: PA Estate Tour

    So glad you're back on the board young soul! The Eagle's Nest is indeed an enhancement to an already incredible piece of History and a magnificent piece of architecture! They apparently picked it for the river view. Try indeed to have someone capture them on film. I wish you Joy as well...
  5. LARGO

    New Kayak

    With friends and one of them wanting to navigate a particular known drop in the Batsto. Caught it sideways and the roiling water spun Canoe and the pilot like a rotisserie. Head up, head down, up, down. Once I got him loose the canoe was a bugger getting out. It was caught just right to keep...
  6. LARGO

    John E. Pearce

    I wondered about that. Never occured to me. I truly had no idea. Just finding this out yesterday when I'd hoped to maybe see him again was a bit surprising. A lot of times when folks have such roots and seem connected to the region they've called home, it's hard to imagine them not living...
  7. LARGO

    John E. Pearce

    Without going into my day, I was up Barnegat Light today, a town I am so fond of, and in speaking to one of the keepers of the Barnegat Light Museum & Garden, I found a little depressing news. This past year John Pearce retired from service and has moved on, no longer a fixture at the Zion...
  8. LARGO

    New Kayak

    That was my idea to request now the last two weekends in a row. Laughed to myself as I wrote that last piece. I figured by now I'd owe you lodging fees. I may actually have a little Sunday Morn' time. I will PM you. g.
  9. LARGO

    New Kayak

    Never really did catch on to a Kayak myself. No reason I guess, just don't much like them. Silly but I do feel more stable in a canoe. I'm pretty tame on a canoe, certainly not a white water type so I guess it don't take much to please me. Heck, I don't even need a fancy canoe and sure don't...
  10. LARGO

    Just received some old pics of Atco Raceway.

    Amazing, thank you. Looks like something out of time & place in a Sepia past. Look at it today and wonder. What happened? No contest, that look of a simple 2 lane strip in the middle of so many untouched pines captivates. Good stuff, and vehicles that truly made the grade. g.
  11. LARGO

    Historical Diversion

    I like to visit small historical "society" buildings of areas I favor. I kept missing for one reason or another the Tuckerton Historical Museum. NOT to be confused with the Tuckerton Seaport, which is also a wonderful place. I finally made it this Saturday. I won't go on about Tuckerton itself...
  12. LARGO

    cat for safe adoption

    He's just salivating in anticipation of some of Rednek's wine. g.
  13. LARGO

    Batsto and Atsion: A Quick Saturday Adventure

    I also know of no changes. Gosh I hope they didn't or don't convert it. It's very cool to see in action under water power, amazingly quiet movements until those blades start hitting lumber. g.
  14. LARGO

    cat for safe adoption

    Dude, you're not right. O.k., it's funny. g.
  15. LARGO

    Batsto and Atsion: A Quick Saturday Adventure

    There must be in fact some sort of method to the madness of charging. I've gone at some times when you might expect and they have not and others when a certain draw would require a charge and there is none. Seems more oft nowadays there is. Perhaps Gabe knows something of this. I know the day...
  16. LARGO

    cat for safe adoption

    Uh, Probably not the best MySpace link for this site. g.
  17. LARGO

    Fox in my sleep

    I'm thinking a collective group of little round metal balls visiting him with some degree of velocity after leaving their comfy little metal tube of a home, if he doesn't stop making these visits. I'll pass on jungle predator dung. Just kidding all you Fox huggers out there. My cat, while...
  18. LARGO

    Fox in my sleep

    Not Again! Alright, enough is enough. Last night the same booger was back. I was in no way interested in being waken up but here he was about 3:38 by the laughing letters on the clock. Hateful clock. Same baleful shrieking. This time my wife got up with me to see. Here again with the large...
  19. LARGO

    Fox in my sleep

    Samson is as independant as any other cat but he's pretty much in tune with us. From sprinting across the yard to you, walking the kids up to the bus, just plain sauntering over when you ask him to. I've had many animals and his behavior never really gave me much thought. I walk the property, he...
  20. LARGO

    Rock of ages to get new home in Buena

    Not to detract from it's already historical coolness and serious size, unless 90% of that rock is still underground... I think they're Gilding the Lilly a bit about it's weight. As a stand alone object regardless of weight, it is a piece with character and history. Hope it remains that way. g.