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  1. BEHR655

    In the ruins of the Pine Barrens

    But as the ecosystem healed itself, some protectors have become perhaps over-protective of the region. They're reluctant to draw visitors too deeply into the woods, lest they be trampled.... And this is a bad thing??? Steve
  2. BEHR655

    ATV park plan in for bumpy ride

    "This would be a great habitat restoration project," Jeff Tittel of the New Jersey Sierra Club said of the Sahara Sand property. He argues that attempts to control riding have backfired in California, where ATV riders leave designated riding areas and have scarred delicate desert habitats...
  3. BEHR655

    Nice weekend

    ecampbell said he has done it. He put in at one of the bogs at Friendship.I've hiked along the Tulp. It is very beautiful in deed. Steve
  4. BEHR655

    Murder at Hanover Furnace.

    Tell you what. You go out and see if YOU can find them. Let us know how you make out.:mrgreen: Steve
  5. BEHR655

    Murder at Hanover Furnace.

    Sounds reasonable. Steve
  6. BEHR655

    Murder at Hanover Furnace.

    Here it is. RMICKLE had posted it in his photo gallery. Steve
  7. BEHR655

    Nice weekend

    Here is a link to the bog location. It is off Carenza road just before Frindship. I would like to do the Tulp also. May be getting cold before I have a chance. I'm busy the 23rd, 29th and the 5th. Steve
  8. BEHR655

    Nice weekend

    Got out twice this weekend. Saturday I threw my kayak on the roof and headed to Sandy Ridge and put in the bog there that I have been keeping an eye. Looking at Google Earth it looked like you could go quite far back only needing to portage over the dikes. Well I"ll be darned if I could even...
  9. BEHR655

    Murder at Hanover Furnace.

    Good find and and interesting read. I love the way folks spoke back in those days. I've read letters that my grandfather wrote to my grandmother during the 1st world war. The language was very simular. Steve
  10. BEHR655

    graveyard in bamber??

    Why am I not surprised? Steve
  11. BEHR655

    No more fun in the Pines

    It is possible that the rangers do a little profiling. Steve
  12. BEHR655

    graveyard in bamber??

    Can you post a couple of photos of the orbs? Steve
  13. BEHR655

    Tulpehawking Tract

    Very nice. Is that the reflection of Hawkins Bridge that I see in the upper right? Steve
  14. BEHR655

    graveyard in bamber??

    Jeeze....don't get your pubes in a knot.