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  1. BEHR655


    Bob, Which Cook's map is it one? I can find Balcony Hill but not Webbstown.
  2. BEHR655

    double trouble

    Jim, I'm not familier with that model. Did it come with MapSend Topo so you can load maps? If it didn't but has the capacity I can help you out. Steve
  3. BEHR655

    double trouble

    What model did you get?
  4. BEHR655

    Township shrinks from area giant over 3 centuries

    The town I live in is less than a square mile.
  5. BEHR655

    Can I do it?

    Well believe it or not I did not turn into the Pines. It was tough. I got the shakes a little put managed to go straight to my sisters. On the way home I was driving a '94 Toyota Camry so the urge was less but still there. LOL
  6. BEHR655

    Can I do it?

    In a few minutes I'll be leaving to drive down to my sister's house in Beach Haven West to pick up a car for my daughter. I will be traveling down Rt 72. Will I be able to resist turning off into the Pines?
  7. BEHR655

    Griffin-Morgan house

    Well not the oldest but close to it I guess. It's circa 1710. Here is a site that lists some old houses in the area.
  8. BEHR655

    Griffin-Morgan house

    Guy, Yes, that is the Burrough - Dover house. I haven't been there in years and believe it or not, I've never seen the Griffith - Morgan house. Not that I recall anyway. Steve
  9. BEHR655

    Did she really loose that Lottery ticket?

    Renee, you are not supposed to know that kind of stuff! :shock: Steve
  10. BEHR655

    Griffin-Morgan house

    Yeah, what he said. :mrgreen:
  11. BEHR655

    Proof of Alien Visit

    Well Guy, you do look like you may be a little tough and stringy. :mrgreen:
  12. BEHR655

    Proof of Alien Visit

    alfonso, Maybe you and Ken can use the "Terra Exploration Pod" that Guy and Bob found. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
  13. BEHR655

    has anyone been up to chicken bone?

    I believe it is so named because it resembles a "drumstick" on topos. ------------------------------------------------------ J'aime les Pins.
  14. BEHR655

    Did she really loose that Lottery ticket?

    Oh gee, I dunno. Maybe be should give her the benifit of doubt. :rolleyes:
  15. BEHR655

    Proof of Alien Visit

    So, do we now call that area "Area 52"?
  16. BEHR655

    has anyone been up to chicken bone?

    I've never beed there but I think I've been close. Maybe you could show me some day. I think it below the Long Branch and is behind the quarry on Rt 532. Steve
  17. BEHR655

    has anyone been up to chicken bone?

    Está en el área Bifurcada de Montaña de Río. Estaban
  18. BEHR655


    Renee. I had a great time exploring there yesterday. Too bad Elmer Fudd had his shorts in a bunch. The info you posted here is fantastic! Steve
  19. BEHR655

    New printer

    I've always been happy with HP too. My PhotoSmart P1000 was great, it just stopped working properly though. I looked at HP when I was shopping but the large format and ink cartridges swayed me to Canon. The Canon is not as quiet as the HP though.