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  1. F

    T-Rex Rifle

    comments like that scare me. to value an animals life over a human is just weird. you guys kill me. he was legally hunting . things go wrong thats real life. do you spend all day looking for this stuff. there is a need to control all kinds of surplus critters. the cute fuzzy ones and the...
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    the big difference is that if you did you use your cell phone or other minor infraction you wouldnt make the front page reader and be made example of like its this big bust. im gonna guess your probably in law enforcement or have close family in it . i can tell. WOODJIN is right about the black...
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    with thinking like this your a perfect new jerseyan. too many freeking laws in this state. this guy really needs to be hastled like this. he should be given a break. ive hunted for many years and never knew or suspected that it was illegal to sell your own antlers. i care to say there are...
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    that lisa jackson is so proud of herself. oh brother! i wonder how many man hours were wasted trying to dig dirt up on this guy. this is how i read into it although the person sounds shady so dont take me wrong. the person had deer antlers. SO WHAT! he is 63 and probably retired. his antler...
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    Brave hunters

    i walk the talk.i feed my family with game when i can. i DONT survive on it. i havent purchased beef in years but i eat chicken ,tuna, and turkey. i chose not to harvest a deer this year so im not so kill happy am i? i spent some 30 days hunting and passed on several deer. i honestly havent met...
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    corzine are we happy yet?

    well those who have voted for him are really reaping all kinds of rewards i see. i can just see all the taxes i will have to pay to get my 20% back on my property tax. the dirt is just starting to flow on this guy. i was willing to give him a chance but it now i guess we will have to enjoy what...
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    Brave hunters

    are you kidding. did you read the title of the thread. you see most hunters are taught not to be outspoken. thats why you never really get arguements from hunters. these hunters didnt need the shameless crap. they did what was right and the GREAT STATE OF ALASKA AGREED! why do anti or some non...
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    Brave hunters

    BOB- there is a program on one of the discovery channels all about DENALI. its on about once a week.i havent been to ALASKA but will do soon. i do know a few who live there though. now for the real eye opener! i know you probably paid a ton of dough to go see what the travel agents call...
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    Brave hunters

    DENALI is a place where the public goes to see a version of wild alaska. bears may tolerate the people better due to constant exposure. where those hunters were is all wild. those coastal brown bears are another story. i dont think bluff charges are in there vocabulary.
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    Brave hunters

    BOB, just like the shows i saw that shocked the crap out of me on hippos in the wild. through evolution these type bears are programmed kill any threat within a pretty good distance. weather its from thousands of years of living with protecting cubs from male bears or other threats like...
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    Brave hunters

    bears dont hang out together like people. there is no ma-ma, pa-pa, and baby bear living in a cave together gathering nuts. thats just dopey to think that. the fact a sow showed up behind a boar grizzly is odd. males will kill and eat cubs so it can mate again with the sow.what happened on video...
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    Brave hunters

    i love to hunt and i love to eat. it cant get any more perfect than that.why cant it be fun alaska you are on the bears terms. its the whole process of the hunt and not the split second it takes to end an animals life. if you cant stomache it thats o.k. but dont bash because you cant...
  13. F

    Brave hunters

    you guys need to get out of the city a little more often. this was in FREEKING ALASKA . this is not a hunt in a pen. THESE WERE GRIZZLY BEARS. ALSO i guess you all missed the line where the hunter and guide expressed that they were sorry it had to go down that way. they werent laughing it up...
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    Brave hunters

    the story is biased anyway. the gomer who wrote in says in the first couple sentences hunters being attacked and that being justice and all. this kinda person makes me sick. probably rather see a chicken live than feed there family . what a sick-o. we are meat eaters get over it. as far as...
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    Fun With The Gun, Coyotes Won

    i can show you trails that are brand new and ones that have been left for years and the trees are still have scars but its a tradition so i guess i can understand not wanting to get lost and. id rather see them use a gps or compass. they seem to just make the trails up from year to year from...
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    Fun With The Gun, Coyotes Won

    i never herd the term blazes before so its new to me. it looks like a slash on the side of the tree and looks horrible. the cuts ive seen are more like 3 to5 inches wide on trees that are maybe 14 inches in diameter so its very noticable. the ones ive seen really stand out and are not far off...
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    Fun With The Gun, Coyotes Won

    its funny that you say carve because in the greenwood wildlife management the idiots in some of those clubs use axes to slash out the bark on the sides of the trees in making there lines through the woods. why cant they get get some flagging tape or toilet paper. slashing the sides of those pine...
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    What constitutes the Pine Barrens?

    that is very interesting question. there are parts of freehold-turkey swamp and jackson that seem to look like the pine barrens as far as a northern border. maybe if you look at a satellite pictue you can get a better boundary but with all the building going on the real boundaries of the pine...
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    Happy New Year All!

    to all a great new year and happy exploring!
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    best satellite maps and gps info

    my 8 year old windows 98 computer has 191 meg ram so id ont know if it will work but i will try. thansk for all the suggestions!