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  1. dskessler

    some new Batsto river footage posted as part of Pines film project

    Thanks Gibby. I'll remember to bring a bunch of ziplocks next time I go out there. The only thing that could have saved the camera would have been an under water housing but that is out of my budget for the time being. If I'm lucky I will try to borrow one for the summer and get underwater...
  2. dskessler

    some new Batsto river footage posted as part of Pines film project

    Right, I forgot that my phone was lost as well. The rice trick is a good one. I really considered those things lost for about a week. One was my digital audio recorder which is not a cheap piece of gear. Somehow, the footage on the SD cards both in the camera and in my pocket survived. The...
  3. dskessler

    some new Batsto river footage posted as part of Pines film project

    It wasn't over my head. I was fairly close to land. In fact I stood in the water for a few minutes as I unloaded all of my equipment from my kayak into Allen's. A couple of lenses didn't survive but none were very valuable. The camera which is very valuable didn't survive but I had it...
  4. dskessler

    some new Batsto river footage posted as part of Pines film project

    Of course, the history and ecology of the Pine Barrens all factor into this and I'm trying to immerse myself in it as much as I can.
  5. dskessler

    some new Batsto river footage posted as part of Pines film project

    Hi Al. Thanks. I didn't know about the river flipping like that. That's really interesting. I'm looking forward to swimming in the Pines when the weather gets warmer again. That will make up for the not so enjoyable dip that I took about a month ago. The film is part travel journal, part...
  6. dskessler

    some new Batsto river footage posted as part of Pines film project

    Hi. I wanted to share some new video that I put together recently as part of my process in creating the Pines film that I have been working on. The man in the kayak is Allen Crawford and the music is by my friends, Gretchen Lohse and John Pettit. I also...
  7. dskessler

    Greetings...I'm making a film on the Pine Barrens

    Thanks Banjo. Sorry for the late reply. Somehow I missed your message.
  8. dskessler

    Greetings...I'm making a film on the Pine Barrens

    Thanks Chase I looked at your website too. Brilliant stuff. I love long exposure stills and wish there was a way to get that look with video. I love the Sea Breeze shots too. I shot some video there over the summer but I wasn't all that thrilled with the results. I'll take a look at Al...
  9. dskessler

    Greetings...I'm making a film on the Pine Barrens

    I haven't created a vimeo channel yet. I was keeping the whole project quiet up until now in order to gather enough material so that it can be well represented. so far the videos are only viewable on the film's site but i'll let you know when that changes.
  10. dskessler

    Greetings...I'm making a film on the Pine Barrens

    Thanks! Actually I'm shooting with the new Sony FS100. I bought it specifically because of it's ability to shoot in low light - much less noise even with the gain turned up than the 5dmkII. I also have a 7D which I bring along because I have some really nice lenses for it that I can't use with...
  11. dskessler

    Greetings...I'm making a film on the Pine Barrens

    Thanks Karl. sounds awesome. I'll talk to some of my crew and see if that might work for us. There are some issues with logistics, i.e slowing you down to shoot video and carrying significantly more gear than what is normally needed. I'll be in touch with you either way.
  12. dskessler

    Greetings...I'm making a film on the Pine Barrens

    I know John has lived in Philly his whole life but he might have some family in Millville. I'll ask him. I don't know where Jesse Sparhawk is from. Maybe you are related.
  13. dskessler

    Greetings...I'm making a film on the Pine Barrens

    I will surely pass on your regards. Whimsy is indeed a friend and I think we would be literally and figuratively lost without him.
  14. dskessler

    Greetings...I'm making a film on the Pine Barrens

    Hello photographers! I hope video isn't too far off topic. I'm really excited to share with you a project that myself and some friends have been working on for the last few months. We are attempting to make a feature length film that explores the Pine Barrens. A cinematic expedition to...