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  1. this_is_nascar

    Wet Forest - Formerly Known as Dry Forest

    My wife was awaken at 4am due to the heavy rains. I comfortably continued to sleep. We're clear right now, but some of you may be getting hammered right now.
  2. this_is_nascar

    Wet Forest - Formerly Known as Dry Forest

    So far, Egg Harbor City seems to have most rain so far, at 5". Only sitting at 2 inches at my place and I think that's all come within the last 4-hours.
  3. this_is_nascar

    Wet Forest - Formerly Known as Dry Forest

    Yeah, there's supposed to be a pig roast or something at one of the VFW posts in Fort Dix on Saturday. I guess that's in jeopardy, based on the weather..
  4. this_is_nascar

    What new things would you like to see here?

    I very seldom find myself on the front page, but it is a great idea to maybe update that, since it is the 1st place new users and people searching for the site will land.
  5. this_is_nascar

    What new things would you like to see here?

    Not sure what, if any changes to make, but please tread lightly. Although my participation is light, as far as posting, I read the new post at least once a day. I've been here for sometime now and this board has always been my most relaxing, most drama free, most educational site that I visit...
  6. this_is_nascar

    Red Lion Dinner

    Money talks. It's really that simple. Not saying I agree with it, but that how it goes. Was at RLD a couple times years ago. If was OK, but nothing to write home about. It's a shame that the local eatery is shutting down. I hadn't heard that Shaming Diner closed. That sucks too.
  7. this_is_nascar

    Wet Forest - Formerly Known as Dry Forest

    Just came home from being in Atsion and Chatsworth earlier. Had to get off RT-42 in the Blackwood area and got on BHP RT-168. Never saw so much rain come down at once. Both side of BHP under inches of water for miles a stretch.
  8. this_is_nascar

    Quakerbridge Run

    I've not been in the woods for quite some time and was thinking of riding down Quakerbridge Road,l today, starting at the Atsion Ranger Station. I'm thinking my destination will be Batso and/or the Wading Pines Campground area. Anything to be concerned about?
  9. this_is_nascar

    Feeling Better Today

    Sorry to hear that you were under the weather, but glad you are up and about.
  10. this_is_nascar

    Atco Dragway Fire

    Not terribly far away but I was smelling it in Mt Laurel yesterday.
  11. this_is_nascar

    Which Weather Apps?

    These are the current ones I've been dabbling with. I find myself using the built-in Android weather app, along with RS and RadarNow for the most part. More recently, I've found myself focusing on directly interacting with the NOAA website.
  12. this_is_nascar

    Which Weather Apps?

    WU was great, prior to being purchased by TWC sometime back.
  13. this_is_nascar

    Which Weather Apps?

    Been using RS for several years, as a Tier-1 subscriber @ $9.99 a year or something like that. Great for radar, but does nothing for forecasting or current weather conditions.
  14. this_is_nascar

    Which Weather Apps?

    I'm curious as to everyone's go-to weather app for the phone/tablet. While I know nothing about the weather, how it's predicted or forecasted, I find myself obsessed with having so many weather apps installed on my phone, none of which ever seeming to agree on current conditions or the forecast.
  15. this_is_nascar

    Short Day Today

    Racer? I don't understand.
  16. this_is_nascar

    Member "Frolickin" Has Passed Away

    Sad to hear...
  17. this_is_nascar

    Piney Tribe @ Burlington County Farm Fair

    Is this anyone that participates here on the forum?
  18. this_is_nascar

    Wet Forest - Formerly Known as Dry Forest

    Well, I slept thru it, but my wife said it poured overnight. I was awoken to an emergency alerts about nearby tornados.
  19. this_is_nascar


    That's what they told us prior to our 1st Vegas trip, in August. No wonder the prices were much cheaper. As far as the dry heat, my oven is dry heat too, but I don't want to put my head into that either. They're saying Phoenix has been in the triple-digits for a couple weeks now.
  20. this_is_nascar

    Wet Forest - Formerly Known as Dry Forest

    Watch out for Sunday.