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  1. tom m

    Abandoned building on 206

    Yes , sorry not far enough east LOL. but that's where i mean. thanks for the correction
  2. tom m

    Abandoned building on 206

    That teepee was was like a land mark for people with the old engine in it, that engine still lives on in Egg Harbour on Rt 30
  3. tom m

    Abandoned building on 206

    That first Building was still used up til about 10 years ago ,they used to store hay in it , now If my source is correct it is now owned by the organization that puts on the lumberton fair ,er go all the excavation going on there.
  4. tom m


    Do you work in that area woodjin?
  5. tom m

    "Hidden Lakes" in NJ Pine Barrens???

    The lakes look like they are behind Claytons sand mine , are they the same lakes you're talkin bout
  6. tom m

    Beer (again)

    You need to take a trip up to Bethlehem Pa. and go to the Brew works, a micro brewery ,it is excellent ! I know it is not European Beer but you won't be disappointed. It is right down the street from the Hotel, very nice atmosphere to. " Try it you'll like it "
  7. tom m

    Flower ID

    Huh strange ! I was able to open it up with no problems so maybe it is a false positive like you say
  8. tom m


    I would believe the possibility of it being a Stripped Bass , they come up into fresh water and Pickerel can tolerate some Brackish water.
  9. tom m

    Medford Lakes Canoe is MIA

    Well Boyd as far as the leash law for cats , i'm all for it only for people who have an abundance of these nuisance animals, they spray and stink everything up. Now the Canoe is a different story, I have an antique canoe I purchased from the outdoor trader in medford in the early 70's and it is...
  10. tom m

    Ruins north of Martha

    You're right about that being a rest stop , i've always stopped there on my trips down the Oswego. It's a beautiful spot, good pickerel fishing to
  11. tom m


    Always Glad to help a Fellow Fisherman, Just so ya know , i already caught all the biggins and moved em to a difernt local! LOL!:rofl:
  12. tom m


    Hey Pickerelfisherman, A little late for my reply but here's where I go, I start at Chatsworth lake and the canal then i go outside of town heading towards oswego and I fish a small stream going under the road( part of the wading river) then i go to oswego lake, from there i stop at Harrisville...
  13. tom m


    AHHHHHH !!!!! Pickerel Fishing in the pines ,Nothing better,I fish six spots in a row ,starting in chatsworth and ending at batsto, Great Fun. They smash everything right now, very ranenous
  14. tom m

    Favorite spot to take a 3-6 mile hike

    Batona Trail from Batsto to the river and Back. There's also a nature trail behind The atsion Office that will give you a few miles of walking thru a variety of flora and fauna
  15. tom m

    Out and about in Cape May County

    Excellent photos, Great one of the Merlin
  16. tom m

    Six spotted Tiger beetle

    I was at Atlantic county park today and walked the center trail boardwalk and only saw on Chicadee and a downy woodpecker not much at all out there . It seemed they were all hugging close to cover
  17. tom m

    Dirt bikes!

    A few of my buddies from work ride the roads with there dual sports and I have no prob with that, running Enduros is a legitimate sport , a few times a year isn't all that bad if ya don't like it then stay out of the woods on those days ,that's all, can't we just all get along??????
  18. tom m

    Kayak - More enjoyable

    jerk !!!!!
  19. tom m

    Kayak - More enjoyable

    Oh Yea Piker you're really looking for a reason to get a new boat. Upstream in the Oswego ,if it is the part I'm thinking of has a lot of little stick ups under the water , just enough to dig into that Ahem ! alleged spider crack in the hull you want to open up ! LOL! Seriously tho, I've put the...
  20. tom m

    I put in at Wilson Lake today

    Yes it gets very shallow in warm weather but you can still make up stream quite a ways , A Kayak would make it up even further . If you fish at all then use a tad pole sized assassin on a #8 weedless hook and no weight , have fun