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  1. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Well Hopefully I'll just find the lake and not all that ,LOL!!! Whether I find it or not I still have a ball being out there. There's Actually more to see then meets the eye and a lot of people don't realize that , which is a good thing as far as I'm concerned :jd:
  2. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Good Night All, tomorrow I'm sticking close to home , Hiking at Batsto
  3. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Well then maybe i won't find it then , this way it never ends ? How's that sound LOL !:mrgreen: To tell ya the truth I'm startin ta think it is just one of dem Pine Barrens Mysteries!
  4. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Ok Laugh it up Guys Laugh it up, glad yer havin a good time funnin me LOL!! Part of the discovery is the Journey !!! I'll just save the image and then send it as my own LOL!
  5. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    No that's not it , I can got to it going past Oswego, but at the fork i went the wrong way. I switched maps and I see where i made my mistake . I turned to soon . I might try coming off of 539 when i try again Saturday on my way to barnegate .Thanks tho Boyd.
  6. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    HELP !!!!! I've been out there twice and I just can't seem to find this place LOL. Today I went out and After the Bogs the Road split so I took the right fork this time and made a huge loop and came out at Oswego lake again LOL! I'm gettin dizzy gin round in circles
  7. tom m

    Small Tavern/Restaurant looking for skilled Bartender (Chatsworth, NJ)

    No Medical Benefits ,But there is Profit sharing
  8. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    Believe it or not My first ever Plane flight was Feb. of 07 and it was with Spirit, I was very happy with the flight ,Nervous out of my gourd but a cool experience. I have a Niece who lives in Georgia, I could visit her and try to find the Ivory Billed , What a Life list addition that would be...
  9. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    WOW ! $ 54 for Spirit ? If I would have known that I would have scrimped and hopped down there this weekend to LOL !
  10. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    It does seem like we are loosing the battle. People think that it is their GOD given right to dump where ever they please. The weight is four times more when full then empty???? Hmmmm so it's lighter to carry out then in! Simple math in my book and even easier Ethics to apply. Different...
  11. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    I Know on some my Jaunts around the pines ,I've stopped and picked up trash from what ever area I'm in at the time and I know my efforts may be random, it is so easy to load bags upon bags of trash from any area with ease. It's a real shame that people don't look better upon there surroundings...
  12. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    I'm going From March 5th to the 15th ,so I guess i will be missing the dinner. I hate to bring up a sad note tho, Florida is totally dependent on work ,which i haven't been doing alot of so if we get really busy then i have to try and fix my finances, But i'm very hopeful about it tho.
  13. tom m

    Ivory-Billed Woodpecker and $50 Grand

    Things that make ya go HMMMMMMMM ?????? you gonna have yer nine with ya ????
  14. tom m

    Batona Trail hike

    Sure ya can , I bought some at I goldbergs in the seventies , it's not a big deal you can dehydrate almost anything as long as you do it properly.I think i'll pick up some of that water LOL
  15. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Well , I know if there isn't any concrete going out tomorrow , i'm going out there again, I Have to find this Lake . I may not have gone far enough down the road
  16. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Nice Pics, Is that Oswego Lake? Before it was and now as is ? Looks like it by the shape
  17. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    I've seen it before ,that just looked different for some reason, Nothing like the moss i've seen in the secret spot out there .
  18. tom m

    Oswego River Preserve

    Ok Got it straight now thanks Guy.