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  1. this_is_nascar


    Whatever it turns out to be, be safe everyone. Right now tornado warnings just went up in the Upper Darby area.
  2. this_is_nascar


    Yea, I'm not looking forward to this. I'm in the 4-6 area.
  3. this_is_nascar


    At 2am or so, it was pouring here.
  4. this_is_nascar

    Garmin hit with massive ransomware attack

    Here's what I get when I try to check my fitness device on my phone.
  5. this_is_nascar


    From my indoor gauge, sensors in the shade, from an hour or so ago.
  6. this_is_nascar

    Man Dies From Medical Emergency Experienced In Wharton State Forest

    Don't recall if I ever told this story here or not. My grandfather has been passed for several decades now. He worked a as foreman for all his life, after returning from WW-II, at Mcandrew and Forbes (spelling) in Camden. They processed black licorice. He and my Grandmother were never rich...
  7. this_is_nascar


    Should be an interesting day.
  8. this_is_nascar


    Yea, good point.
  9. this_is_nascar


    Not looking forward to the grass growing again, but I guess I can't have it both ways.
  10. this_is_nascar


    Finally, we have rain falling.
  11. this_is_nascar


    Looks like the south eastern area got more rain last night, but still nothing here, but some good wind.
  12. this_is_nascar


    Nadda here. Can't remember the last time we got anything. Much of the lawn is brown and crunches when walked on. Not good.....
  13. this_is_nascar

    Some N.J. state parks, forests can reopen for camping June 22, officials say

    This entire re-opening has been a head scratcher. No ryme nor reason as far as I can tell.
  14. this_is_nascar


    Several large limbs down in my yard. Brutal wind and rain, probably the windiest I've ever experienced. One appears to have fallen on the camper. Not yet sure if the extent of the damage. An EZ-Up that was anchored to the ground is a twisted mess. Those two storms may be the worse I've ever...
  15. this_is_nascar

    Space X launch live

    Gotcha, thanks. When the 1st module released from the main rocket, my wife and I were talking about how the hell do they know where it's actually going to land.
  16. this_is_nascar

    Space X launch live

    Call me slow, but I guess I don't understand what folks are getting at here. Is the actual launch being questioned to as to whether it actually happened or is it something else?
  17. this_is_nascar

    Motorcycle crash in wharton this afternoon.

    From what I read, the injured rider was medivaced out of Atsion, so I'd say that he/she was in bad shape.
  18. this_is_nascar

    Thanks Folks!

    That's so awesome. I love reading stories like this. He looks so proud and excited.
  19. this_is_nascar


    BTW, I think it's "automated".
  20. this_is_nascar


    I know what it is. I was trying to understand what the issue is, unless I'm misunderstanding the content.