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  1. this_is_nascar

    Real Estate

    We will see how it all pans out. I wish for nothing but success and prosperity for all, as long as it's earned.
  2. this_is_nascar

    Real Estate

    The direction the economy is quickly going. Having your property valued at well more than it's worth, without people having the funds to purchase it, due to rising costs and inflation, doesn't make for a good scenario. I guess no one recalls the housing crisis from not too long ago. How many...
  3. this_is_nascar

    Real Estate

    Cash in now if you must. It's only a matter of time that everything will be going into the sh*tter and the bottom will fall out. Unfortunately, I don't think it will be in the too distant future.
  4. this_is_nascar


    I'm actually enjoying the slow growth of the grass right now.
  5. this_is_nascar

    WMAs closing areas

    Same here. It won't show.
  6. this_is_nascar

    WMAs closing areas

    I don't think we or anyone else need to government to protect us from ourselves.
  7. this_is_nascar


    While we certainly need the rain, I feel bad for all those families with kids that dropped some serious coin to go away for a few days. For the wife and i, it's not a big deal. A trip to the local diner for breakfast and some binge watching on Netflix.
  8. this_is_nascar

    Campground Operators ‘Beg’ Committee To Not Pass Law That Would Close ‘Loophole’ Permitting Off-Season Stays

    As a worker or not, I guess I don't understand the concept of not being able to camp for 365-days straight. What's the reasoning behind NJ campgrounds not being open from Dec thru March or whatever it is?
  9. this_is_nascar

    Campground Operators ‘Beg’ Committee To Not Pass Law That Would Close ‘Loophole’ Permitting Off-Season Stays

    I know from past experience, under past ownership, WP had at least 5 people that stayed their all year, to work, etc.
  10. this_is_nascar

    High Wind Watch Friday

    We did fairly well, with a bunch of branches down, but that's about it.
  11. this_is_nascar

    High Wind Watch Friday

    High winds are never good.
  12. this_is_nascar

    Sierra Club Opposes Colliers Mills Land Swap
  13. this_is_nascar

    Cold night coming - frost?

    Left my furnace off and woke up to a 59-degree living room.
  14. this_is_nascar


    Well, it's here. Couple of inches already.
  15. this_is_nascar


    Nothing but rain here at 37°.
  16. this_is_nascar


    Getting ready for round two. Much melting taking place here yesterday.
  17. this_is_nascar


    I was definitely in the 8-10 range here.
  18. this_is_nascar


    These types of storms are always interesting. It seems that my place is always on the line of rain vs. snow. This storm sounds no different. I'll wake up Monday morning at 5am, like I always do, put my head out the door and plan my day from there.
  19. this_is_nascar


    Looks like there's a potential of quite a bit of snow, Sunday into Monday, more the further north you go.