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  1. tom m

    What is this?

    gudennoggin schlofsgood ,belfshenhoggin .i vote for the old house water pressurizer, original design was to small to supply adequate pressure, after market design enlarged the tank to 12 gallons with 22 psi of pressure enabling the water to reach adequately to all parts of the homestead:rolleyes:
  2. tom m

    Bass River Bigfoot

    bigfoot wow boyd and all this time i was sure it was only pinebarrens lore lol .hmmm wonder which planet is made of rye :confused:
  3. tom m

    Bass River Bigfoot

    so does this mean that since i believe the moon is made of cheese i'm a lunatic:eng101:
  4. tom m

    Bass River Bigfoot

    this is getting good over one itty bitty big foot lol.I love this site
  5. tom m

    Bass River Bigfoot

    i'm not saying jersey devil as depicted in pine barrens lore ,metaphor ( unnamed animal ) and the pine barrens are'nt as itty bitty as you think they strecth all the way to florida
  6. tom m

    Bass River Bigfoot

    uh huh ! and the edsel is making a come back pfffft :meatwad:
  7. tom m

    Bass River Bigfoot

    sightings i'm right there with you on that one furball1, i can still remember that as if it happened yesterday although i'm not at all leary about going into the pines it did give me a deeper respect for the pine barrens in the sense that there is no way they can possibly know about every...
  8. tom m

    No more fun in the Pines

    no more fun Hey pinelandpaddler ,i had an incedent at bass river with a snotty ranger who has since been transfered to bellplain to finish out his time ,he was caught peeping on two girls ,this same ranger entered my campsite in the middle of the night and scared the sh.. out of my kids ,no...
  9. tom m

    Kayak Suggestions?

    canoeing alone ? Hey piker 56, now that i have my canoe fixed give me a call and we'll do a sunday afternoon sometime ok?:eng101: <<<<<<<< you are an enganear
  10. tom m

    Murphy Farm, Hammonton, NJ

    murphy farm I'm by that area all the time in my concrete truck, i also carry a rod reel and a small tackle box with me for just those types of ponds i think i've seen the equipment so i kinda have an idea where it is ,good fishin badfish
  11. tom m

    Murphy Farm, Hammonton, NJ

    murphy farm Hey Badfish,i do alot of fishing in the hammonton area ,i guess cuz i live there ,i never heard of that place but there are a few other places in the area that are great for a variety of fish, diamond lake in folsom is one of them it's loaded with pickerel ,some bass crappie blue...
  12. tom m

    No camping - Flood? What a joke

    no wilderness camp in jersey My brother and i recentely hiked the wilderness trail from atsion towards quaker bridge ,and what we found was a prime example of why jersey will never allow wilderness camping where ever you want ,we saw trash and debris and hanging on an other wise beautifull...
  13. tom m

    pine barrens float

    float trip Hey grendel, i've canoed most of the pine barrens rivers ,the easiest overnighter the batsto, the prettiest the oswego, the shallowest the wading and the longest to get to your campsite is the mullica,from goshen pond to 206 is nice then you portage and from there on it is loaded...
  14. tom m

    What an Hour in The Pines

    Eagles In The Pines Hey redneck, i've seen quite a number of eagles in the pines in the past few years ,not alot but enough to think that they may be nesting ,i know they are in bellplain ,have been for quite awhile ,but if the nest are known by the state, or the feds, chances are you'll never...
  15. tom m

    Up the Batsto White trail to the Forge, 3/26-27

    white trail Hey Pineyboy,you picked a nice section to hike,thats the batona trail and just so ya know the trail blazes are pink, there just faded .I would,nt want you to all of a sudden come up to the pink blazes and think you made a wrong turn lol ! enjoy the hike you'll love it
  16. tom m

    Fish Ladder in the Pines

    fish ladder Hey furball1, yes the fisheries commision or one of their affiliates did a study and found that the bronze back herring were becoming dangeously low in numbers because they could not get up river to there spawning grounds,so they tryed that approach on another lake first with much...
  17. tom m

    The "Mutha" of all cedars.

    mutha i know it is in the interest of science, but i have a better idea, just leave the cedar be, why open it up to the possibility of some sort of infestation or disease by boring into the core, it is a magnifacent tree ,if it is in fact 150 years old then that means it started growing in...
  18. tom m

    Things that shouldn't be done in the Pines.

    a tale of two canoes Hey piker remember when we went down the oswego river and we had to lash our canoes together to carry that minnie van out ,whew they were the days were'nt they ?and then there was the time we had half a land cruiser in the boat ,man what pieces of junk
  19. tom m

    Unexpected Road

    There is also a lake down off of unexpected road loaded with bass, problem is an older woman owns it and won't let anybody in ,find a away and you'll be in bass heaven !
  20. tom m

    Pileated Woodpecker

    pileated Hey foofoo, pileateds are'nt spotted if they were black and white they could've been hairy woodpeckers or downy woodpeckers ,what color were they .......tomm