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  1. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    Hey Piker56, I'm going down to Brigantine one day this weekend , thought i would pass the invite on , I can do it Sunday afternoon If you can break away, don't know what yer plans are tho. Give a buzz ok?
  2. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    The Area that piker56 is talking about is the forsythe refuge on rt. 9 . coming from Smithville south , it is about 1-2 miles on the left ,you come to a traffic light . make a left and that takes you right into the refuge. it is a 4 dollar entrance fee unless you have a pass. we still call it...
  3. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    I never Got out , it was raining so hard I just decided to chill out and rerlax at home . Snowy Owls ? I've heard of sightings but never had the pleasure of seeing any in the wild,Maybe i'll head that way on Sunday instead. I've never been there though could ya help with Directions? Good luck...
  4. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    I wasn't aware that the Towhee changed , My old Petersons guide showed only the Eastern, I have a new one but is not in front of me , I'll have to check it out . I know if any one from the Audubon Society heard me describe the birds I see they would be appalled ( because I refuse to call them by...
  5. tom m

    Batona Trail hike

    I've always wanted to do the whole Batona Trail and never thougt of cacheing equiptment, sounds like i now have a new quest to undertake!
  6. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    Hey Greg, Long Tailed Ducks used to be Old Squaw .Did ya get down there to see them?
  7. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    This is interesting, we may have crossed paths a hundred times and never knew it. I was there when they first put the peregrine fledglings in the hacking station, The courier post was there and took pics , so i've seen it change over the years. they are redoing leeds eco trail, fixing your board...
  8. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    I Know what you mean , The new names of some of the bird life is beyond me. I'm an avid bird watcher , have been for years along with my brother Piker56 and my Buddy Furball1. One of the best is the Lousiana Heron. Now called the tri colored heron, what are we talking about ,Pasta? I Love the...
  9. tom m

    Today's trip 12/30

    Harlequin Ducks! I went down to the Light House on sunday.01/04 to see them ,but did any one see the Long Tailed Ducks ? Formerly know as Old Squaw ,there were around 20 of them along with the Harlequins.
  10. tom m

    closed to public

    Are you talking about the gravel road right on the curve?
  11. tom m

    closed to public

    access road closed what public access road are you talking about at chatsworth lake. To my knowledge once it was bought and named parkers preserve all access roads were closed to motor vehicle traffic only but foot travel is allowed.All access points were plowed and mounded dirt blocked all...
  12. tom m

    Pine plains on 539 after the fire

    Fire on RT 539 The contrast between sand and the burn area was noticeable enough ,but with the two young ladies standing amongst the burned area makes it extreme. Those pics were awesome .My Brother ( piker56 ) is going to go back in the fall and check it out to see if the pines start bouncing...
  13. tom m

    Cranberry Pumping Station -- Found

    Cranberry pumping station I can remember taking a canoe trip on the oswego in the early 70's and it looked abandoned even then .but it is awsome to walk around the property and imagine how it might have worked. Great pics Nascar..Tom
  14. tom m

    Bass River Bigfoot

    Bass river big foot There could be if you researched back far enough, what i saw may have been just a highlight of that story from 57, years go by and you swear one thing happened when in fact it was another.
  15. tom m

    Bass River Bigfoot

    It could be, my bad, back in the 70's i was prolly out of it and imagined it all lol
  16. tom m

    Bass River Bigfoot

    Bass river big foot Actually it was taken to Lakehurst naval station then shipped to a warehouse out in Arizona and placed next to Indiana Jones' crates lol
  17. tom m

    The Final Days of a Hunting Club?

    I love the pines and they will always be a part of my existance, but excuse my french but new jersey BLOWS as far as being affordable to live in. I used to work in vincentown and my company did alot of the work for the so called ( affordable housing ) starting at just $225,000 wow pocket change...
  18. tom m

    Bass River Bigfoot

    Can they possibly have information on every living thing in the woods. how about the great fire of the 70's when batsto ( wharton state forest ) burnt , the courier had a picture of fire fighter carrying out the remains of an animal no one ever saw before.....HMMMMMMM
  19. tom m

    Late last night in the moonlight

    Hey furball1 i remember when we had those cameras ,i took a timed exposure of a pool table the rack never moved from the frame but you could see the tracks of the balls going all over the place . i loved that camera but mine finally broke
  20. tom m

    Ghost Stories of the Pines

    hey 4x4 where is the road at near atco,i work in the area and i'm trying to picture the sewage plant and burnt mill rd ,but it evades m,e