Search results

  1. woodjin

    Old pic of pine plains

    Need some help… I vividly recall a photo from probably the the 1930’s, maybe earlier, of a car parked along route 72, maybe 539. There is a person standing by the car. The photo primarily conveys the pine plains and you can blatantly recognize the contrast between the height of the pines then...
  2. woodjin

    Karen Hunters

    So today I was on the Batona trail. This is a section of the Batona that you can legally drive on. I came up to a point and stopped to investigate an area adjacent to the trail. I was with my gf. As I opened the door and stepped out my gf got my attention and pointed up ahead. A little ways up...
  3. woodjin

    New sawmill

    Just found this one today. Don’t think we’ve documented this one yet. Guy, I’ll send you the location as I think you are keeping a list. Despite a trail nearby, I don’t think this was noticed by anyone who would know what they are looking at.
  4. woodjin

    The blue comet

    This past weekend I was at a wedding in north Jersey. It just so happened, they had a “recovery” brunch at a nearby diner. I was surprised to find out that half of this diner was actually an old train car from the blue comet. Paul probably documented this somewhere, but it was a real surprise...
  5. woodjin

    A Pine Barrens Mystery

    I came across this on ebay. I wonder whatever happened to him. An internet search didn't provide any further detail, except an article in the Asbury Park Press from 1933, I don't have a subscription so I couldn't access the article. They state the car was found 5 miles south of chatsworth...
  6. woodjin


    Not pine barrens but fairly close. Being of viking lineage I always find this stuff interesting.
  7. woodjin

    View from the dump truck

    Working the cranberry harvest
  8. woodjin

    Lake Horicon

  9. woodjin

    Black Rat

    Black rat snake, juvenile. I find them on my property often. they must be breeding here or someplace close by.
  10. woodjin


    Has anybody ever seen any mistletoe north of the Mullica river?
  11. woodjin

    Wood Burning Stove Pine Barren

    Pine Barren stove. Excellent cond. $800 obo 609-351-2972
  12. woodjin

    The lost and forgotten Sandy Ridge Station

    The only ruins I could find of this long gone train station. out house pit probably over grown celler hole another out house hole a bit further away from the other ruins Jeff
  13. woodjin

    they ain't pineys

  14. woodjin


    Jack (my seven year old) and I were out in the woods this weekend and came across four young raccoons. It was cool for me and very exciting for him. They went straight up into the trees and I got some great video, and some photos too. Two in a tree
  15. woodjin

    Dead Rattlesnake

    This rattlesnake met an unfortunate end on route 532. It looks like it's head was crushed. I know we don't usually post pics of dead animals but this is not very grusome.
  16. woodjin

    plant ID

    I'm thinking golden crest? Found on a hummock in Harrisville pond a flower on the same hummock
  17. woodjin

    Jemima Mount in June

    can you spot Jack in the 4th photo (not the 5th, that is too easy)? Jeff
  18. woodjin


    Yep, ticks were out and about this week. Heavy in some spots.
  19. woodjin

    Warren Grove Bogs and Forest Fire

    I went hiking with my son in the Warren Grove Bogs on Saturday. This area is property of the NJ Natural Lands Trust. A unique area with old abandoned bogs and pine plains. Part of the wading river, or oswego depending on which time period map you consult. Jack investigating a...