Search results

  1. Bobbleton

    Bamber to Island Beach

    Thanks everyone! I've definitely done various incarnations of a trip between bamber and DTSP, and I'm reminded now that cedar creek isn't always super smooth to get through. Also considering a start at that throw-in down past the power-cut east of DTSP instead to cut a bit of distance off...
  2. Bobbleton

    Bamber to Island Beach

    Hey everyone! Its been a while, I know. Curious if anyone has experience kayaking the path mentioned in the title (Bamber Lake to Island Beach SP). I've been tossing around the idea for years and may have a go at it coming up soon. But . . is it even possible? I'd have to pass under the...
  3. Bobbleton

    Strange Weather Pattern

    I noticed it the other day and thought it was weird too.
  4. Bobbleton

    Snake ID please

    my guess is that its stained from hibernation.
  5. Bobbleton

    2 turtle hunters pulled from icy northern NJ river

    Ditto that. Bambi is delicious. But Al, what are any of us gonna have an easier time catching? Pretty sure I could survive 12 months on herps if given the correct habitat.
  6. Bobbleton

    2 turtle hunters pulled from icy northern NJ river

    still though . . . there are FAR easier times to pull something like that off. If the story is that straightforward, these two are like the worst poachers ever.
  7. Bobbleton

    Fire breaks

    I was taking your side, genius. Way to rally folks to your position. I could personally care less how unsightly fire breaks may be. The pines are meant to burn. While I don't really agree with many burn regimes from an ecological standpoint, its better than complete suppression.
  8. Bobbleton

    Fire breaks

    I believe there was a moratorium put into place, right? Yes, its totally cool to blast the FFS for keeping the forests healthy in too sloppy a manner, but don't you dare speak ill of those who destroy for fun.
  9. Bobbleton

    More Nature 2012

    Sorry Joe, I didn't mean to ignore you . . . the shorts answer is yes, but it usually diminishes with age. Neonates can sometimes have a much more impressive show of red, but its not the norm by a long shot. This is probably the best example I've ever seen:
  10. Bobbleton

    Climbing Trees Does NOT Keep You Safe From Black Bears

    black bears climb trees like its nothing. What keeps you safe from bears is being calm. Trying to pull anything but a pistol on that bear seems like a really great way to get knocked out of a tree and mauled. much respect to those two for keeping their cool.
  11. Bobbleton

    More Nature 2012

    Ditto what Al said with an exception: eastern newts actually have TWO larval stages . . . a fully aquatic water-breathing stage, then the fully terrestrial eft stage, followed by the aquatic adult stage. Also as adults they do not grow gills. They are fully air-breathing during both eft and...
  12. Bobbleton

    More Nature 2012

    thanks everyone! Its great being able to share all the great stuff I see with an appreciative audience. I mentioned up top that some of this was not in the pines - that applies to all the salamanders.
  13. Bobbleton

    More Nature 2012

    it looks sore, but its actually just pigmented i think (it matches the same color in specs on other scales). unless he went overboard while shedding he had no reason to rub on anything.
  14. Bobbleton

    More Nature 2012

    Here's a few more snippets from 2012. Some in the pines. Some not. Its been a slow year for me as far as wildlife photography goes . . . but not a bad one. Enjoy! Golden-crowned kinglet Hatchling box turtle Pine Mud turtle "Daddy long legs" Red eft Spotted salamander...
  15. Bobbleton

    Nature 2012

    the one that's like your famous one? I've come to love those shots.
  16. Bobbleton

    Nature 2012

    I try to keep away from much editing with these types of shots. At most some cropping or minor adjustments to get closer to what the animals look like in real life. Ultimately the goal is to edit less and less as time goes by. You can't post-process a good photograph into a great one.
  17. Bobbleton

    Nature 2012

    Thanks again everyone! I'm using an oldish canon rebel and a few different lenses. to continue . . . rough green snakes turkey vulture Fowler's toad Palm warbler
  18. Bobbleton

    Nature 2012

    Okay round 2 . . . Female diamondback terrapin nesting at her own risk . . . probably worth revisiting . . . I saw an older version of one of these pups this week. Coyote sightings seem to increase exponentially at this site from year to year. foolish box turtle northern gray...
  19. Bobbleton

    Nature 2012

    Hey thanks everybody! Bird photography really isn't my thing, but I've been giving it a shot this year because of a nerdy bird bet I'm involved in. I'll post more pictures to the thread soon.
  20. Bobbleton

    Nature 2012

    Figure its time I share some of this year's finds. The focus in 2012 has really been on birds, but there's been plenty else going on as well. This first round of pictures were taken March to early May. New Jersey chorus frog Young northern black racer Pine warbler Yellow-throated...