11/29/2019 hike through West Pine Plains


Feb 18, 2017
Bass River State Forest
This is for anyone interested in hiking through some of the same areas as in The "Flaming Plains", A PBX Hike. But not as difficult. Not like them. No wading neck-deep through rattlesnake-infested cedar swamps, for example.

Bass River State Forest is planning an "#optoutside" hike on Friday, November 29th 2019 ("Black Friday"). A volunteer naturalist will be leading the hike through Bass River North, which includes the West Pine Plains Natural Area, "Pygmy Pines", and some areas burned by the March 2019 wildfire.

I'll post more details when available, but registration will be required and there is a maximum of 25 people. Kids 10 and over OK. Only service animals - sorry, dog owners.

For more on #optoutside see https://www.rei.com/opt-outside - but this event is a hike, not a cleanup.


Feb 18, 2017
Bass River State Forest
Event announcement is below. The meet-up location is here. But just showing up without calling to register before-hand is frowned upon. I think that's because they want to know how many people are coming, and to turn people away if they hit the limit. But sometimes they increase the limit if there is a lot of interest and the hike leader agrees.

Post-Thanksgiving Hike in the West Pine Plains

Bass River Twp., NJ - #OPTOUTSIDE with us on November 29th, 2019! Skip the Black Friday chaos and instead "OptOutside" with a free, calorie-burning, 4-6-mile hike in Bass River State Forest "North" which encompasses the West Pine Plains Natural Area and the "Pygmy Pines" - the world's largest acreage of this globally rare forest community.

This volunteer-led hike will depart promptly at 1 p.m. and will end at approximately 4:30 p.m. The hike will meander along sand roads and trails near the NJ Forest Fire Service's Coyle Field in Woodland Township, Burlington County.

Several sections of the hike will be through places where the mature trees are scarcely taller than the hikers themselves and in some places are not. The hike will traverse several ridges that will provide fantastic views of the surrounding area which is a rarity for this part of the state.

The hike will also be through portions of the forest that was burned in the March "Spring Hill" wildfire. You will be able to see first-hand the regeneration of the forest that has occurred in the eight months since the fire as well as the devastation that the fire wrought.

Participants must be at least 10 years of age. Service animals only are permitted. Wear appropriate clothes and shoes. Wear clothes you do not mind getting ash and soot on. Bring plenty of water and snacks. This hike is not ADA accessible. There are no restrooms or drinking water available. The hike will be cancelled if there are thunderstorms in the area or if heavy rain is falling. Light rain or overcast skies will not cancel the hike.

Registration is required and is capped at 25 participants. To register or for more information, contact the Bass River State Forest office at 609-296-1114.

The #OptOutside campaign was started by REI to encourage their employees and the public to take to the outdoors as opposed to the shopping malls and internet shopping.

MEETING LOCATION: N 39 49.238 W 74 25.819 which is located along NJ 72 at the western boundary of Coyle Field. The meeting location is approximately 10.3 miles east of the intersection of NJ 72 and NJ 70 and approximately 3.4 miles west of the intersection of NJ 72 and Ocean County Road 539. Parking is along NJ 72. There is no street address for this location.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
No matter where they go out there it will be interesting. It is a great place to hike.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Was the date changed or is this something different?



Feb 14, 2009
I read that as 2 separate hikes on 2 different dates at 2 different starting locations. The Dec 21 hike appears to mainly explore the burned forest area while the Jan 1 hike explores the unburned forest on the East side of Red rd.
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Feb 18, 2017
Bass River State Forest
3 separate hikes, same leader, same start point, it looks like. First was 11/29/2019, second is 12/21/2019, and third is 1/1/2020. They do recycle the descriptions and directions sometimes, but I'm pretty sure the actual hike will be a different route. To add to the possible confusion, that was the same start point as last year's First Day Hike 1/1/2019.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I was in a rush and should have spent more time looking it over. In any event, the leader might want to find new starting points.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The road at the bottom has a gate I believe. Could be wrong. The road north has a good drop along the road. Cars would need to be careful there.

Also, the day of the first hike I went by there right after the time the hike would be over and a female park employee was along 72 doing something.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
No gate. Poles and sticks.
