1950's, 60's and 70's aerials


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Just tried, they downloaded with the correct .kmz extension and opened right up in Google Earth when I double-clicked the downloaded files. I was using Safari on my Mac. What happened when you downloaded them?

Screen Shot 2024-12-24 at 9.01.36 PM.png


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
In the Finder preferences, I have "show all filename extensions" checked. Maybe that's the difference? Have seen problems with this confusing people before, because it doesn't show the .kmz part. So they add it manually and end up with a filename like bear_swamp_hill_1970.kmz.kmz.

Screen Shot 2024-12-24 at 9.05.43 PM.png


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Oh, also remembering an old bug with using .kmz files on a Garmin GPS, don't know if it was ever fixed. Those filenames may not work, I don't think the GPS would recognize the underscore character. I think you could only use numbers and letters. If you can't get them to work on the gps, try changing the names to something simple like bearswamp1970.kmz, with only letters and numbers.

But that was only an issue for using the files on a Garmin GPS, they should work fine in Google Earth and Basecamp without any change.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I can get them working on my GPS with no problem. But when it downloaded the filenames were bear_swamp_hill_1970-kmz.23969

It would not work in Google Earth until I named it bear_swamp_hill_1970-.kmz
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
That's weird, I could not get that to happen no matter what I did! That looks like the name the forum software uses internally. If I "mouse over" the attachment in my forum post, the gray box gets larger (see the one on the left below). If I click that, the file downloads with the correct name.

Maybe try clearing your browser cache? The Xenforo software was not configured to allow uploading .kmz files, so I changed that in the preferences before I made my post. I wonder if it didn't download properly because the site is cached on your computer and it doesn't recognize the change I just made to the Xenforo settings?

Screen Shot 2024-12-24 at 9.28.06 PM.png
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

We visited Bear Swamp Hill early this morning. There is no evidence of anything being there from our discussions above. There is a location that is semi flat where whatever it was most likely was at. I searched the area around it and it is not flat enough except for this location. And my GPS told me I was correct.


Sun just peeking through.


A quick "Then And Now."


Later, at a different location we came upon our second find where there is an experimental growing site for Morning Glory. And just like the other site it isn't working out. And like the other site we ignored the sign.



More in the distance.

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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I'll post an update on this map as it progresses, maybe a few more screenshots.

Slowly churning through the DVRPA aerials... 270 plates completed with 117 (pink/blue boxes) left to go. End is in sight, but will still take awhile to get there....


Looking at the maps that are currently available, this one is based on the 1971-72 wetlands aerials.


And this map is based on the 1977-78 tidelands aerials


Then there's the 1980's NHAP aerials of the mid-Atlantic region


Since the wetlands/tidelands areas only cover the coasts, I filled in the middle of those maps with 1980's aerials. Was never happy with that, the three links above (of Atsion Lake) are identical, for example. The wetlands/tidelands aerials don't cover that far inland, so you're just seeing 1980's aerials for much of the Pines right now.

There aren't any 70's aerials for blank areas in this new map, but I don't want use 1980's, that's confusing. I think it's better to just show there's nothing available. But I also don't like blank maps, so I made a simple monochrome basemap for these aerials. I used legacy USGS landcover data, which is low resolution, but it gets closer to the 1970's aerials in terms of tree cover, development and wetlands. Unpaved roads all come from the 24k legacy topo's. Did some basic editing to delete paved roads from newer developments, but it's a pretty "quick and dirty" job. Still, it will give you something to look at in places that would otherwise be blank. When this new map is finished, it will replace both of the existing 70's aerials.


Hoping to have this online by the end of the month, but it might slip. We shall see....
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Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
I made a simple monochrome basemap for these aerials. I used legacy USGS landcover data, which is low resolution, but it gets closer to the 1970's aerials in terms of tree cover, development and wetlands.

Was wondering if I could do any better than that low-resolution USGS data and it turns out that NJGIN has a 1986 Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) dataset which is very similar to the newer 2012 and 2015 datasets that I've used in many of my maps - I had no idea they went back this far. Then I remembered an old project where I used LULC data to create simulated aerial imagery by assigning realistic colors to different types of foliage, etc. I wrote some old software for that and had all but forgotten about it. Was pretty straightforward adapting it to make a 1980's version to use as a basemap for the blank portions of this 1970's map.

Here's an example from the same area as the previous screenshot, this version has much more detail.... even the rye strip "alphabet soup" is there.


The details are minimal, but it still shows enough to help orient you while making it clear there aren't any 1970's aerials available for these locations. And it was fun to adapt the software I wrote back in 2014 to a new project. :cool:

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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Moving right along with the 1970's aerials... I've finished everything but the blue and white squares (about 90 plates). It's coming soon... another week or two.

Found a nice set of 1968 Delaware aerials and have included those. Unfortunately, no coverage of Pennsylvania, that is just the basemap. And no 1970's aerials for Ocean County, except the coastal areas. Cumberland County doesn't have much coverage either, I found aerials of Millville/Union Lake from 1970 and am using those, but the resolution is very low. They look terrible when you zoom in farther than level 14, but better than nothing.


Here's Friendship in 1970. If you look closely enough, maybe you can find @Pan 's Volkswagen! :D

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