I'll post an update on this map as it progresses, maybe a few more screenshots.
Slowly churning through the DVRPA aerials... 270 plates completed with 117 (pink/blue boxes) left to go. End is in sight, but will still take awhile to get there....
Looking at the maps that are currently available, this one is based on the 1971-72 wetlands aerials.
And this map is based on the 1977-78 tidelands aerials
Then there's the 1980's NHAP aerials of the mid-Atlantic region
Since the wetlands/tidelands areas only cover the coasts, I filled in the middle of those maps with 1980's aerials. Was never happy with that, the three links above (of Atsion Lake) are identical, for example. The wetlands/tidelands aerials don't cover that far inland, so you're just seeing 1980's aerials for much of the Pines right now.
There aren't any 70's aerials for blank areas in this new map, but I don't want use 1980's, that's confusing. I think it's better to just show there's nothing available. But I also don't like blank maps, so I made a simple monochrome basemap for these aerials. I used legacy USGS landcover data, which is low resolution, but it gets closer to the 1970's aerials in terms of tree cover, development and wetlands. Unpaved roads all come from the 24k legacy topo's. Did some basic editing to delete paved roads from newer developments, but it's a pretty "quick and dirty" job. Still, it will give you something to look at in places that would otherwise be blank. When this new map is finished, it will replace both of the existing 70's aerials.
Hoping to have this online by the end of the month, but it might slip. We shall see....