Boyd's Map of the Pines beta available


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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
After a long break from map-making, I have finally started on my next-generation New Jersey map and it will have a very different look. I've developed a new technique, taking the 2007 NJDEP Land Use/Land Cover (LU/LC) data and coloring it based on the 2007 aerial imagery. The result looks a lot like the aerial imagery when you zoom out. This example shows the Millville/Vineland area in the West and Peaslee WMA to the East- see this for reference:


Now if you click on that image you'll see it isn't really a photo, it actually consists of about 16,000 polygons. Here's a closer view of the Bennetts Mill area that adds roads and other features - see


Since the map only consists of vector data, it will be compatible with all Garmin GPS devices, including old models like the 60csx and automotive models like the Nuvi. Each one of these "jigsaw puzzle" pieces represents a different LU/LC type as identified by NJDEP. The final Garmin map will show you what it is when you tap or click on it. For example, the area with the cross-hatch pattern below is coniferous forest with greater than 50% crown closure (these screenshots are from Globalmapper, still not quite to the point of putting it into Garmin's format).


It's going to take awhile, but the technique is actually pretty straightforward so it's just a matter of processing a lot of data. Anyway, just thought I'd share what I'm up to. :)
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Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Wow, I sure couldn't do that. Today I prefer to stay on dry land. :) As a kid at summer camp in Wisconsin, you had to be able to swim half the distance from the island to the shore or else take swim class. I just managed to pass that test, it was less than a mile.

I have been using the Millville and Five Points USGS quads to test new maps for awhile. They have a nice mixture of land types; urban, suburban, forest, agriculture, wetlands, water. Everything but mountains. ;) And since they are close to home, field testing is easy.


Staff member
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Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek

I have been working on a new NJ topo for some time and had hoped to make it available by now but unfortunately it will take some time to finish. But I decided to release a portion of this map covering Wharton State Forest since there has been so much discussion of the area recently. ;)

This is a very high resolution map, rendered at 6 feet per pixel. It is a huge update to the 2012 New Jersey Topo that I posted at GPSFileDepot. Road data comes from several sources, including NJDOT, USGS 24k topo maps and NJ 2008 orthophotography. There are also many points of interest from the USGS and US Census Bureau. I have also added extractive mining sites, stream gaging stations and NGS Benchmarks. You will even see homes and other buildings in selected areas.

Forest cover is shown in light green. Dark green areas are public open space (such as Wharton). Pink represents built-up or developed areas. The contour interval is 5 feet.

In general, I've tried to follow the USGS topo map style. I'm sure there are still many mistakes/omissions, so "caveat emptor". :) Here's a screenshot of a small area - click to see it at full resolution.


I have uploaded two versions of this map for now. The first one is in Google's .kmz format. It should be compatible with Google Earth, but since I don't use that software, you will have to try and see what happens. Note that this version is NOT in the correct format to use directly on a Garmin GPS. It is about 62 MB.

[bad link removed - see new link below]

And here is a version in the geoTIFF format which is higher quality than the .kmz file (less compression). You will need software capable of using geoTIFF to fully utilize this file, although you may be able to open it in a graphics program like Photoshop. It's a very large file, so that might be a problem for some programs. This file is about 92 MB.

[bad link removed - see updated link below]

Each of the links above will download a .zipped folder containing the files. After downloading, you can extract them on Windows by right clicking and choosing extract all. On a Mac, just double-click the .zip file to extract.

Enjoy, and let me know if the downloads work.

Update: December 2023
I see that people are still finding this old thread and trying to download the map. Unfortunately, it was discontinued long ago and boydsmaps no longer offers Garmin-format maps. However, here's a much better version that works on a computer or lets you use your phone like a gps.
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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Oops…. my bad, I have found a major problem with these files. They do not include the wetland data. :mad: My apologies. I am pulling the downloads for now and replacing them with updated files, so the links posted above will no longer work.

I will post again with new links as soon as the revised version is ready (about an hour hopefully).

Thanks for checking Google Earth 46'er, sorry that you downloaded the bad version though… :)


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
As I said, I pulled the files because there was an error. The new files will be available soon.... My internet connection is very slow, so this stuff takes awhile. :) In the meantime, here's another screenshot.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The kmz file will not open. Error 2 - No such file or directory


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
You must have been hovering over your keyboard, haha. I posted another link but then quickly edited my post and removed it because there was another problem.

But the revised files are now ready, sorry for the confusion. The .kmz file may be downloaded here. It is about 80MB (file size got larger due to the wetlands).

EDIT 10/28/15 - Download the new LIDAR enhanced version here:

[bad link removed]

The geoTIFF version may be downloaded here, it is about 123 MB.

[bad link removed]

Let me know if these work now.

Update: December 2023
This map was discontinued, but a new version is available here
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Very nice! The Wharton property corners fit in there well :D



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

Your map will come in quite handy for sure. I am now able to easily compare the Wharton property lines with the data I spent years calculating.This is the first time I have ever been able to do that using Google Earth. It confirms to me again that the MAP was made using the shapfiles the state uses. Unfortunately for them they made so many mistakes on the MAP it is a crime. Missing property, missing private property, etc. It also allows me to see the property they have accumulated over the years since the original purchase. And I can see and measure exactly how far the shapfiles are off. For example here is the Kasper Exception at Friendship Bogs which is the last piece of land at Friendship Bogs that still is in private hands. The blues lines are the exact property line.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
With five foot contours some islands are sure to show that only showed on aerials before.
That exception is the old blueberry field I used to pick free blueberries in back in the 90's.It never even occured to me I might not be on Wharton property.It has never been posted to my knowledge.I filled up quite a few buckets there several years in a row before the pines grew up and ruined the bushes.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
On quick examintaion in GE there are several islands that show on the topo but not on this map??? I would think with 5 foot contours it should be the opposite.The swamp symbols on the islands are vacant but no contours show as on the USGS topo.This is actually a good thing I guess.Keeps my islands hidden till someone finds an aerial:)
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