A big Disapointment

Jul 12, 2006
Gloucester City, NJ
You may not want to hear this right now, but things happen for a reason, trust me. Six years ago when we were looking for a new-to-us house, we found what we thought was our dream house. We took several tours and evenually put a bid in. Only to find out that the house had already sold, but the realtor continued to show it. My wife's heart was broken and I wasn't feeling too good about it either.

Within less than 60-days, we found another house in the same general area, but much more to our liking. We couldn't believe it. We toured it a few times, made a offer and settled with a few weeks (the house we unoccupied). We've been in this house ever since and never look back at the first one we "lost". In retrospect, I'm glad things ended up the way they did.

Hang in there.

Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
Unless there's a contingency in the contract. I have one of those now, I am under contract to buy a house, and since I have a clause that my house has to sell for the closing to go through, someone else can come and outbid me. If that is the case, I have 48 hours to remove the contingency for the sale of my house, or the seller can break the contract.