I am definately noticing that the little pieces of history are disappearing at many spots this web page discusses. The message board for this site is WAY too powerful a resource. I love it, but I feel it is harming what we love due to the few who are abusing it. Sorry, but can't help my feelings about it. I wish it could be a divine group of people. Maybe something can done?
Most all of the trace pieces of pottery and glass I found at Red Oak Grove just before it was illuminated on the message board were almost immediately removed on my next trip back. I am VERY concerned about this resource and think it is not being respected by the few who felt important enough to take such items. I'm not saying I've never taken a souvenier from anywhere, but once I got my bearings on how these areas have come to exist of not-much-at-all, I figured out that on ALL my explorations will not involve the removal of anything. If it was not for the preservation of these locations as Pine Barrens preserves, Wawa's and strip malls would have taken their places. It is up to us to respect and preserve these vulnerable areas. If we are the ones, who out of interest, take away the last remaining vestiges of what was, we have fucked up!all involved in this medium should start to take the role of preserver of each area we discuss.
Most all of the trace pieces of pottery and glass I found at Red Oak Grove just before it was illuminated on the message board were almost immediately removed on my next trip back. I am VERY concerned about this resource and think it is not being respected by the few who felt important enough to take such items. I'm not saying I've never taken a souvenier from anywhere, but once I got my bearings on how these areas have come to exist of not-much-at-all, I figured out that on ALL my explorations will not involve the removal of anything. If it was not for the preservation of these locations as Pine Barrens preserves, Wawa's and strip malls would have taken their places. It is up to us to respect and preserve these vulnerable areas. If we are the ones, who out of interest, take away the last remaining vestiges of what was, we have fucked up!all involved in this medium should start to take the role of preserver of each area we discuss.