I was out in the Speedwell side of the Parker Preserve early this morning, taking some pictures along the Wading. It was a great morning, the only detraction being clouds of mosquitoes and the green haze of pollen in the air. After that I made one more stop; I pulled into the parking lot at Oswego and immediately saw this:
It's truly unbelievable that there are people out there that will do this to the most beautiful areas of their state.
I reported it to NJDEP using the Warn DEP app, hopefully that does something. I would have stayed and gathered it all up myself if I didn't need to head out for work.
It's truly unbelievable that there are people out there that will do this to the most beautiful areas of their state.
I reported it to NJDEP using the Warn DEP app, hopefully that does something. I would have stayed and gathered it all up myself if I didn't need to head out for work.