Abandoned Houses and Ghost Towns in the Pines, January 1904

New Methods Responsible for Deserted Homes and Villages in Parts of New Jersey.

In driving through certain portions of the townships of Washington and Bass river, says a Mount Holly (N.J.) dispatch to the Chicago Inter Ocean, one is struck by the number of deserted homes that line the main thoroughfare through the pines. In some circumstances small villages that were once prosperous communities are uninhabited and rapidly falling to decay.
In years gone by in the pine district there was considerable manufacturing going on, shipbuilding was an active industry, and the lumber trade occupied a large share of attention. The manufacture of iron from bog ore was also carried on. Now this is all changed. New methods have been responsible for it. The old furnace at Martha, where large quantities of iron were made, is a heap of ruins.
Near Hampton Gate is a church in which the colored people used to worship and it, too, shows the marks of time. “King” Lewis Armstrong, deceased, of Mount Holly, was wont to come in years gone by and stir the brethren to fresh deeds of spiritual valor.
Another historic place is Washington tavern. Years ago it was popular resort and favorite stopping place for teamsters carrying merchandise from the shore to Mount Holly. Today the building is tottering.

Washington Bee, 23 January 1904, p. 5

Best regards,


May 29, 2003
Interesting, story states that the Washington Tavern was standing in the early 1900's. I think that contradicts what I've read before. Maybe they were speaking of another structure that was present in that locale. Maybe not.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
That cemetery on Carranza Road must be where the blacks who frequented the church were buried. I believe it is a black cemetery.

Yes it is. There is a state marker at the site and it is in Marilyn Schmidt's tour book.

A list of those interred there.


Sorry 46er, but the link you provide in your post is for a Tabernacle Cemetery in Plains, Sumter County, Georgia. If you look at the right-hand column, you will see the location of the listed interments.

In addition to the information that Marilyn imparts, you can also read George Flemming’s book, Brotherton, which provides you with not only the story of the burial ground, but also of the church. Indian Ann and her husband worshiped at this edifice. If you visit the cemetery, you will find the grave stone of George Eare or Eares, but the information on the marker is incorrect. George actually served in Company E, 25th Infantry Regiment, United States Colored Troops, not the New Jersey Volunteers. He entered military service on 23 January 1864 for a three-year enlistment, but mustered out on 6 December 1865, eight months after the Civil War ended. Like all deceased veterans, he lies in repose in hallowed ground.

Best regards,