Anyone know anything about Amatol in Hammonton?
Cause now im curious...
Here's the story: A few weeks ago my friend took me to what he called an abandoned state police barracks in Hammonton (mizpah). It was a huge building off the white horse pike that resembled an old courthouse. On the property was also a motorpool garage and a lounge type building out back. In the very front of the property is a new building and a sign indicating it is now a "police forensics lab". I was recently talking to my "lifelong south jersey resident" grandfather about belcoville and he mentioned this place i just described. He called it Amatol and said that it used to be a munitions complex like belcoville. He particularly noted that he used to race cars at a racetrack there in the 40's in believe. Anyway, I saw Amatol in a book yesterday so I am looking for information on this site.
Cause now im curious...
Here's the story: A few weeks ago my friend took me to what he called an abandoned state police barracks in Hammonton (mizpah). It was a huge building off the white horse pike that resembled an old courthouse. On the property was also a motorpool garage and a lounge type building out back. In the very front of the property is a new building and a sign indicating it is now a "police forensics lab". I was recently talking to my "lifelong south jersey resident" grandfather about belcoville and he mentioned this place i just described. He called it Amatol and said that it used to be a munitions complex like belcoville. He particularly noted that he used to race cars at a racetrack there in the 40's in believe. Anyway, I saw Amatol in a book yesterday so I am looking for information on this site.