What road? I did not look up the coordinates.
He was right here, on his merry way to Spring Hill. He had great ambitions, but that road is really horrible right now. It was even worse on the way to get him (by the old cabin lake).
What road? I did not look up the coordinates.
Pine Barren Explorer and Vehicle Recovery Bob.bobpbxvr
Wow, I will have to drive over there just to show my better half that my truck CAN make it across.
We revisited again the location where Doug was stuck back in 2015 and it is dry. Took the view from the opposite direction.
View attachment 24470
It is just a normal puddle from vehicles going through it.I'm assuming that's man-made, but why?
It is just a normal puddle from vehicles going through it.
Bob,See post 21. It's actually a stream bed (a cripple actually), so it's hard to just wipe it off the map by continual grading or filling.
I do know a 'cripple' is interpreted differently by different people, and no longer used much. I could have called it an intermittent stream too. I have (over the years) adopted my own internal definition of cripple. In my mind it's a low, linear section near the source of the stream; never found to have a continuous flow though it can be wet in spots (such as at this puddle).
I agree, a cripple—as used in the Pine Barrens vernacular—relates to short, often wide intermittent water channels that generally lack modern (Holocene) stream incision. Cripple is derived from the Dutch word kreupel. The English word for such a semi-dry valley is a dell, as in the misogynistic children’s song The Farmer in the Dell. Chapter 5 of Soggy Ground (Demitroff 2024: 101–124) is devoted to cripple dynamics, including their ice age periglacial origins. Such channels work well under frozen ground conditions and are common to areas that once resided near the ice margins during the Pleistocene.
Buck Cripple in 1802, by Cedar Lake (once Dutch Mill), SW of Collings Lakes.
Or Buck Hill1802! Don't often see a document that old. For cripes sake, Thomas Jefferson was only a year into his Presidency. I see "Gum Branch" shown on that document. I wish I had a buck for every branch or creek in South Jersey named "gum", cedar, or maple".