Call me crazy, but I can't seem to figure how to get to the tower. I've wasted two sunrise photo opps tryig to find the darn thing. Can anyone help me out? Is it technically legal to climb the tower?
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Call me crazy, but I can't seem to figure how to get to the tower. I've wasted two sunrise photo opps tryig to find the darn thing. Can anyone help me out? Is it technically legal to climb the tower?
Call me crazy, but I can't seem to figure how to get to the tower. I've wasted two sunrise photo opps tryig to find the darn thing. Can anyone help me out? Is it technically legal to climb the tower?
The whole Apple Pie Hill area needs to be fenced off about a mile out from it and the main road in needs to be heavily gated from driving up to it unless you are forest service with a key. Obviously the Batona Trail could have narrow breaks in the fence so hikers can still get thru. The point being that if maybe these fools had to haul in their TVs, computers, beer cases, bowling balls, etc. they might be deterred from carrying that stuff for a mile in the sand up to the tower. Its too easy just to drive up there and party. I do believe its wishful thinking though, since I know that fencing that big of an area off would be cost restrictive. Its too bad you can't gate the road, but these goofballs and their big rigs would just blaze themselves a go-around.
the only way I can see it stopping other than joining them is to take the tower down.
Wow, that is a great idea. Kind of like a "if you can't beat em, join em" attitude. I don't think the state would go for it though. To much of a liability letting that many people climb up the tower with old appliances. Only one TV would need to be dropped on the next person in line - and game over. I like that kind of outside the box thinking though.
As for scaring people up there - I was up there one night taking pictures with a full moon and a car load of kids drove up. They thought I was waiting up there to kill people until I started talking to them. Too funny.
Lets hope they give whomever mans it a 12 ga...
I thought all the fire towers had been shut down. I was last there in 1982. As I recall it was not manned even then.
Thanks for the PhotoIf you go when someone is in the tower, climb to the steps right below there and if someone is with you talk loud enough so they hear you, and they sometimes let you in. Years ago when the Cedar Bridge Tower was at the old location on the road to the Forked River Mountains, the man there had a large book that everyone who visited would sign. It would be interesting to know where that is so I could look for my name and the date.
4/6/2002 at Apple Pie. While there a fire was spotted in a trailer park in Browns Mills.