Apple Pie Hill


New Member
May 30, 2004
Piscataway NJ
If I keep following the tracks east by the Carranza memorial will that take me to apple pie hil???? What was apple pie hill???? Is there any other spots of interest in the area???



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It will not take you directly to it, but that is the direction to go to get there.

Here is a map. The left yellow arrow is the intersection of Carranza road and the tracks. Head east and follow the yellow arrows, and Apple Pie Hill is the purple/pink arrow.

It was used in the early 1900 as a sanitarium by a doctor from NY. The state has a fire tower there.

I and others have posted info on the sanitarium and Apple Pie Hill which you can do a search on and find. If you have any particular question, or can't find what you want, post back and I will help you out as best I can.

Jello454 said:
If I keep following the tracks east by the Carranza memorial will that take me to apple pie hil???? What was apple pie hill???? Is there any other spots of interest in the area???


It will take you near Apple Pie Hill. There are some ruins near by the hill from a Dr.? (somebody help me out here). I'm not familier with a primitive camp grounds in the area. If you follow the tracks south below Carenza they will lead you to Atsion.
You should stop at the Atsion ranger station and pick up a couple of topo maps. I think they are $4 or $5 each and are a great help for exploring.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
It was Doctor William White who operated the sanitarium which was called Pine Crest. If you roam around the area you can find the pump house and other building foundations from his business. It is better to do that in the winter so it is easier to see. This time of year you will miss seeing things.

"Then and Now" at Apple Pie Hill. Remember clicking on them makes them bigger.

There is a Geodetic Marker on the hill but you have to know where it is to find it. Right where the road crosses the track was originally the Harris station where items were shipped from Harrisville. It was later named Pine Crest. If you take the road to the right when you cross the tracks near Apple Pie Hill you will come to a cement slab on the right. That was the Pine Crest Gun Club and here is my "Then and Now" photo's from there.

I just purchased a map at Atsion on Saturday and they were in the $5 range. And it was a 1997 edition and it was still not acurate.



Feb 19, 2004
White Haven, PA
Actually now that I think about it....we saw a dirt road back there with 2 small (not even 3' high) pillars on either side of it. We didn't go down that road (there was a truck there), but I've often wondered what's down it. Is that where the sanitarium was?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Stu said:
Actually now that I think about it....we saw a dirt road back there with 2 small (not even 3' high) pillars on either side of it. We didn't go down that road (there was a truck there), but I've often wondered what's down it. Is that where the sanitarium was?

No. The sanitarium was on the hill. The oval cement foundation right at the tower was a part of it, along with the other foundations in the area. One is the sandy area you can see from the tower just down the hill. The pump house is on the slope of the hill where the roads meet there. It is very hard to see this time of year.

There are other places there that there are photo's of on this site. I will find them and post the link.



Apr 10, 2004
I think the view is worth the trip to Apple Pie Hill. I drove my 2yr old daughter to the hill this past Saturday. She was more interested in the old cigarette buts than the view. The general store in Chatsworth is worth visiting if you have not been there before.


New Member
May 30, 2004
Piscataway NJ
I just purchased a map at Atsion on Saturday and they were in the $5 range. And it was a 1997 edition and it was still not acurate.

I guess I'll have to wait for the TeeGate map to come out!!!!! :lol:
Good luck with that Guy!!!



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Jello454 said:
I guess I'll have to wait for the TeeGate map to come out!!!!! :lol:
Good luck with that Guy!!!


Thanks for the kind words. I just was reading the pdf file on what I have to do, and it appears I have ONE YEAR to cover the COMPLETE QUAD. That means I have to visit every single major dwelling and write the name and coordinates of it. I even get a badge and have free access to any Federal Park with it. I must get permission to access private land.

I will even get paid if they contact me for a special job they want done.

We shall see how involved this is.



New Member
May 30, 2004
Piscataway NJ
That sounds right up your ally Guy!!!! So I guess the map will not be ready until 2005 or maybe even 2006??? I think that you are the right person for the job!!! 8) I always appreciate the information that I get here very much just want to say a "big thank you" to everyone!!!! :D



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Jello454 said:
What if I keep going south past the Carranza Memorial what is down that way????



If you continue past Carranza, cross the tracks and drive about 4 or so miles down that road, and you will come to an intersection where the main road turns left and a dirt road goes straight. At this point here are some places to see.

Make the left and continue until you see an open field on the right where trees have been cut down. There is a dirt road on the left and you turn there. You know you are on the right road when you see telephone poles on it. Go slow and look to your left and you will come to the grave of Charles Wills.

Now go back to the intersection mentioned above. Go straight down the dirt road that heads into the woods. On your left is the ruins of the town of Friendship. There was one house left there in the early to mid 70's. I saw it in 1973. Continue down the dirt road and it will go through a cedar swamp and the road will have an S curve in it. Just after the S curve go slow and on your left side there will be a road that comes in on an angle and the area is sandy. Take that road. it will be covered in pine needles. Just a short distance on your left there is a clearing and you will see a VERY large granite marker dedicated to the people who ran the blueberry fields there.

Now head back to the sandy area and go left and that takes you to Hawkins Bridge. I was there in my car last weekend so if you have a car you can get there. If you are adventurous, keep going across the bridge and that takes you toward Batsto and other area's. Just take a map with you at this point.



Jul 18, 2003
Sparta, NJ
Jello454 said:
I'm definitely going out to try to find apple pie hill and other stuff today!!!!! Maybe I will see some of you out there!!!!!

Jello :D


I will be taking a vacation week down there within the next several weeks so if you're still interested in exploring let me know.

BTW, I attended the CNJ Picnic in Martinsville and met up with some former CNJ/Conrail employees. Some of the CNJ employees started work in the 1940s and some worked on the Southern Division.

Most of the engineers that worked for Conrail I met up with now work for NS.

The kids loved those steamer engines. I didn't realize that they could carry so many people. There was also one GM Diesel that got a lot of attention.
